
SCP Senior Administrator
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  1. Like
    Nook reacted to Gabríel Elvar in I want to be whitelisted for o5   
    Your SteamID:76561198810330831
    Your Age:15 
    Your In-Game Playtime:339.3 hours
    Your Warns: 3
    Rate Your RP Skills: about 7.5
    What O5 Designation would you prefer (1-12) and what character?: 05-4 the white male with no mustache and is comonly used as direcotr
    Have you read and understand the rules of SCP-RP?: Of course
    Why do you believe you should be part of the O5 Council and what can you bring to the role e.g (Pressure in extreme situations, making the tough decisions): I have a geart mind and a solution to most things
    Can you explain what an O5 does for the foundation and the site itself and why he himself differs from any other site Adminstration?: it helps keeps the scp foundation safe and not getting any information out to the public and mostly hides scp that are to dangerous
    What is the O5 Council?: a high ranking proffesionalls who were the first to make the foundation
    Are you currently head of a department (Job Manager), general staff in Nu-7 or a Site Director?: no
    What Departement would you like to focus on? (Research, Mobile Task Forces, Ethics,...):Mobile Task forces
  2. Like
    Nook got a reaction from Kabasch in ISD getting removed   
    Hi I am the R&D man yell at me
  3. Thanks
    Nook got a reaction from Kabasch in Kabasch's Staff Application   
    You're a good enough guy, calm and collected... at most times.
    Your attitude is versatile, some interactions with you have displayed a sudden switch of behaviour; as Cameron mentions, the WL removal lead you to completely leaving the community, essentially throwing toys at the pram. 
    I don't know how I feel about you being a staff member. Not averse to it, not for it either. 
  4. Like
    Nook got a reaction from Nathan Kennedy in Kabasch's Staff Application   
    You're a good enough guy, calm and collected... at most times.
    Your attitude is versatile, some interactions with you have displayed a sudden switch of behaviour; as Cameron mentions, the WL removal lead you to completely leaving the community, essentially throwing toys at the pram. 
    I don't know how I feel about you being a staff member. Not averse to it, not for it either. 
  5. Sad
    Nook reacted to Oil in Kabasch's Staff Application   
    biased, most likely going to be another lorex. 
  6. Like
    Nook got a reaction from Tomas Andri in Site Director application   
    Trust this guy. Clearly fit for the job. 
  7. Confused
    Nook reacted to Tikomatura - Lyren Trou in John Goe's Event Planner Application   
    mfw not answering my discord dms but vibing on the forums smh
  8. Sad
    Nook reacted to Azazel Keenan in Alex Magus Staff report   
    After speaking too said staff member and getting their side of the story it is apparent that even after the demotion and the staff member telling you why you were demoted you continued to send constant tickets to the staff team and complained in OOC about a 15 minute timeout from a job. 
  9. Like
    Nook got a reaction from Nell in O5 Council Application - Luke Ocasio   
    Your In-Game Name: Luke Ocasio / Dr. T Nook 
    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:524530320 
    Your Age: 19 
    Your In-Game Playtime: 6 weeks 6 days. 
    Your Warns: 0 
    Rate Your RP Skills: 9/10  
    What O5 Designation would you prefer (1-12) and what character?: O5-4 “Four-Leaved Clover” - he would be charismatic and friendly. This is a custom character, I can give more elaboration if needed!
    Have you read and understand the rules of SCP-RP?: Yes, I have read and have extensive understanding. 
    Why do you believe you should be part of the O5 Council and what can you bring to the role e.g (Pressure in extreme situations, making the tough decisions): I believe I am an optimist, and bring a sense of positivity and reason to a group. I am adept at being always constructive and helpful, and I believe this would translate to a productive and helpful member of the O5 Council. Seeing as the council can be gloomy and serious, I believe a friendly and outgoing member would bring balance and diversity to the council, which will be beneficial.   
    I have shown patience and an ability to perform under pressure as my time in staff, as well as A-1, Nu-7 and Site Director. I have administrative experience, having directed the site alone against combine attacks, commanding Nu-7 during high velocity raids and defending O5 against breaches or other attacks as A-1. I have no difficulty in making difficult decisions and can hold an assertive reasoning behind my actions . I believe I am mature, friendly and approachable, as well as assertive and grounded, to counteract my friendliness. The O5 Council is a position I have been ambitious for, therefore, I would be eager to make a positive impact on the council. I believe the administrative ability I have demonstrated in my roles prove my aptitude for the council.  
    Can you explain what an O5 does for the foundation and the site itself and why he, himself, differs from any other Site Administration?: The O5 council make critical decisions for the site, as well as all other sites within the Foundation’s ownership. They have the authority and responsibility to manage all personnel on site, as well as in administrative positions. They vote on actions to take on critical problems they face within the site, whether it be external influences (GOIs / global affairs) or internal affairs (personnel / site management). They have access to all of the foundation’s resources, and are the most valuable members of the Foundation. The difference from other members of administration are their secrecy, influence and protection; they are guarded by MTF Alpha-1 at all times, and usually act on situations that pose a threat to security of the site / foundation in general.  
    What is the O5 Council?: The O5 Council is a board of 12-13 (definition of this is largely unassimilated) individuals, who oversee the entire Foundation and its operations. They have complete control over the foundation’s movements, and can vote on principal decisions that will effect the site or its personnel, such as hiring / demoting personnel, determining relations with GOIs, making executive decisions on the “rules” of the site. The O5 Council has the power to detonate the Omega / Alpha warheads, though this drastic measure is rarely taken. Each O5 member’s identity is strictly secret, and is not revealed to anybody; Clearance 2 and below are not even aware of their existence. O5 members’ designations are remained to be covert and are thus referred to by their codenames.  
    Are you currently a head of a department (Job Manager), general staff in Nu-7 or a Site Director?: I am currently the Job Manager for Head Researchers, an Administrator on the server, as well as experience as a Site Director (resigned recently).  
    What department would you like to focus on?: Seeing as I have extensive experience in the Research field, I would like to oversee research. If this is not possible, I would happily oversee Mobile Task Forces or Ethics (again, for my experience as ECM and E-11/Nu-7). 
    -Any changes that are needed, let me know. 
    Luke Ocasio.
  10. Like
    Nook reacted to Dylan Mcf in O5 Council Application - Luke Ocasio   
  11. Like
    Nook reacted to AlexMagus in O5 Council Application - Luke Ocasio   
  12. Like
    Nook reacted to Mark Kuntson in O5 Council Application - Luke Ocasio   
    The chillest guy ever
  13. Like
    Nook reacted to Serrt in Cameron Stoker's O5 Application. V2   
    Your in-Game Name: Cameron Stoker 
    Your SteamID:     STEAM_0:1:128962199
    Your Age: 18
    Your In-Game Playtime: 3 weeks, 4 days, approximately 10 hours
    Your Warns: 1 warn, self administered for aRDM nearly a year ago.
    Rate Your RP Skills: Given the frequent interactions I have given to Plague's events as well as current happenings within the ECM/A-1 divisions, I would rate my RP skills a 9./10 as I am very confident in what I am doing, but sometimes will make mistakes.
    What O5 Designation would you prefer (1-12) and what character?: O5-6: The Tarot's Envoy
    Have you read and understand the rules of SCP-RP?: I have read and understood the rules of SCP-RP and am confident in my ability to uphold them.
    Why do you believe you should be part of the O5 Council and what can you bring to the role e.g (Pressure in extreme situations, making the tough decisions): I believe that I posses various qualities that will be essential to being on the Council and performing well.
    Composure, diplomacy, the ability to handle extreme pressure as well as a natural skill of debate means that I know I can explain my point as well as get it across to other Council members so that I may be a part of the smoothly running system that is the Council. Also very logical so I am confident that my decision making is on point and to our benefit.
    My history of being in positions that require leadership such as A-1 Commander, Nu-7 General Staff at one point as well as previously managing HoEA means that I believe my leadership qualities to control the Site if necessary and enable me to maintain order and assist Administration as they see fit. My PassiveRP skills, as I rated, are also very high and I believe will provide me with the skills required to stay afloat in this job without dying or causing more problems than benefits. 
    Can you explain what an O5 does for the foundation and the site itself and why he himself differs from any other site Adminstration?:
    I would think of the O5 Council as the ultimate group of shadow managers. Everything naturally goes through them, but only those of high enough clearance are aware of this fact. Their job is to subtly maintain order over the Site through instruction of lower members of Site Administration so that the cogs of the Site keep turning in a smooth and efficient way.
    They therefore differ in their hidden nature. They handle the important decisions, but it is not meant to be glaringly obvious that this is the case.
    What is the O5 Council?: The O5 Council are the pinnacle of the Chain of Command within the Foundation, barring the Administrator.
    These 12 people are designated with handling everything that passes through and will be handled by the Foundation, such as relations changes, funding management, policy dictation and more. so that it may continue smooth operations. If an impactful decision needs to be made, it will go through them first, or there will be a likely consequence.
    Are you currently head of a department (Job Manager), general staff in Nu-7 or a Site Director?: I am none of these things. The closest I may be is the current Head of Law in the Foundation thanks to the ECM, or potentially the owner of the ITD if it were to be accepted. 
    What Department would you like to focus on? (Research, Mobile Task Forces, Ethics,...): My favorite department to focus on would be the Legal/Ethics side of the Foundation. 
  14. Like
    Nook reacted to in O5 Council Application - Luke Ocasio   
  15. Like
    Nook reacted to Avery Winters in Site Director - Avery Winters   
    In-Game Name:
    Avery Winters
    In-Game Time [Proof Required]:
    8 weeks and 3 days.
    Past Experience in leadership/high ranking positions:
    Former roles
    Director of Internal Security 
    Team Executive Agent | Judas Priest (GOC)
     O5 Council (O5-12 "The Tower")
    Head Researcher (Research and Development)
    Special Agent in Charge | Obama (UIU)
    Why do you feel you'll be a good Site Director?: 
    Access Granted... CL3 User... (Reason: Psychological profiling, Department of Psychology) Redactions enabled for User.. Interviewer identity obscured.. Interview Transcript. File No. 0AS2258
    Current Elasped Time: 28 mins
    Interviewer : So explain to me these claims that you don't hold an office on site?
    █████ ███████ : I do. But it's just kept outta sight from the others..
    Interviewer : Elaborate.
    █████ ███████ : It's a morale thing for the staff. Shows the sign of a uh... proactive administration. *scratches chin*
    █████ ███████ : I think that a good Site Director needs to be active.. constantly aware of whats going on.. on the lookout for arising dilemmas.
    Interviewer : But we have personnel for that.. You know.. Radios? 
    █████ ███████ : Courage is fickle.. it isn't a tap that can be reiled upon. Not everyone is █████-█
    █████ ███████ : A leader needs to act like one. People just don't follow you just because your card is a different shade of color. Or that you can make Keter Duty a reality.
    Interviewer : So that does that mean you'll be lenient on punishments because you care for wellbeing for others?
    █████ ███████ : I never said i cared for others.. I'll definitely nail somebody to the fuckin cross if needs be.
    Interviewer : So you'll burn anyone in your way?
    █████ ███████ : If i did that.. i wouldn't have a site left. Ya know.. aim for a balance for the two.
    What role does the Site Director have on the site?:
    Access Granted.. CL4 User... (Reason: Flagging for Redactions, Recordkeeping and Information Security Administration) Redactions enabled for User.. Identities revealed.. Note: "(( ))" are marked for redaction. Interview Transcript. File No. 0AS2258
    Current Elasped Time: 56 mins
    ((Avery Winters)) : That's easy.. we're the boots on the grounds. And we gotta establish the link with the men among the clouds. 
    Dr Roz Halari : Des..
    ((Avery Winters)) : The fucking Council. Look i've been here for like a fucking hour.. You asking me describe every fucking detail of my life so it matches up with that pissy little file yous got.
    Dr Roz Halari : We're al..
    ((Avery Winters)) : Shut up. You said that 20 minutes ago.
    Dr Roz Halari : Can we go back to the inital question? Elaborate on this link.
    ((Avery Winters)) : Look if the Council could do everything.. we wouldn't be hired. If they were like the fucking MCU. Heh.. imagine.
    ((Avery Winters)) : Anyways.. But more importantly, it matters about stability. Order. Enforcing the will of the Council. We're there for when the Council isn't.
    Dr Roz Halari : El...
    ((Avery Winters)) : Elabroate fuckin further.. Stability is the fundimental reason why bureaucracy exists. It is to maintain the Status Quo. So that this thing of ou.. The Foundation can keep going.
    ((Avery Winters)) : To allocate resources where needed, to tell security to quit pissing about.. Ya know.. The sad part is that Parkinson's law exists.
    ((Avery Winters)) : Parkinson's Law, to cut it short.. The more admins we hire.. the more work.. hence more admins.. then even more fucking work.. and the loop keeps on fucking going on and on.
    ((Avery Winters)) : I however.. think that certain cuts could be made.. we could definitely streamline stuff so that a delivery for pizza doesn't take six months!
    What is the O5 Council?:
    Access Granted.. CL5 User... (Reason: *Playing audio file : fuckoff.mp3* *a loud slurp sound is heard* ) Restrictions lifted. Note: "(( ))" are marked for redaction. Interview Transcript. File No. 0AS2258
    Current Elasped Time: 1 hour 46 mins
    ((Avery Winters)) : *sighs* Can i get a smoke.. I'm about to bash my skull into the table.
    Dr Roz Halari : We don't have an ashtray.
    ((Avery Winters)) : You'd refuse a dying man's wish? So thoughtful..
    Dr Roz Halari : Why would assume such a bold claim?
    ((Avery Winters)) : I don't know.. the Council can be volatile at times..
    Dr Roz Halari : How would you come to know this? You also did mention Alpha-1 during earlier stages of the interview.
    ((Avery Winters)) : ((ISD.))
    ((Avery Winters)) : The Council of twelve or thirteen, whatever the fuck.. ((Black Queen)), ((L.S)), ((Gear's fuckin kid)) that leaked "the common knowledge"  to everyone. Heh.. sounds like a ((daddy's issue)), if you think about it. They are people we bend the fuck over for because they pave whatever road we gotta march on.
    ((Avery Winters)) : Seriously.. do you just ask this to confirm what is mostly an outdated source. From a ((person who has fucking daddy issues)).
    Dr Roz Halari : So that implies you know who is on the Council. 
    ((Avery Winters)) : I know if i mention anymore i'll get a cailber in my eyes and your brain is gonna be bleached.
    ((Avery Winters)) : Nothing is forever.. unless they are uh.. some sort of sci-fi bullshit. Like a hive mind or machine intelligence. 
    Dr Roz Halari : You're suggesting they are robots?
    ((Avery Winters)) : No.
    ((Avery Winters)) : They are a seat of power. Who the fuck cares, whoever is sitting in that seat.
    ((Avery Winters)) : That's all i'm going to say on the matter. So whens my firing squad due, i wanna spit at one of them.
    (OOC: The following app has been written based upon a retcon story for the character "Avery Winters" )
    Refer to:
  16. Like
    Nook got a reaction from Taurus Tremani in ~[O5 Council Member Reveal]~   
    Has already shown his efficacy as an A-1 Commander. 
    Enough said, I believe he is fit for this role.
  17. Like
    Nook reacted to Kinqu Kyle in O5 Council Application - Luke Ocasio   
  18. Like
    Nook reacted to Bread in O5 Council Application - Luke Ocasio   
  19. Like
    Nook reacted to Tikomatura - Lyren Trou in O5 Council Application - Luke Ocasio   
    yes +1
  20. Haha
    Nook got a reaction from Dr. Jay Bright in ~[O5 Council Member Reveal]~   
    Has already shown his efficacy as an A-1 Commander. 
    Enough said, I believe he is fit for this role.
  21. Like
    Nook got a reaction from Kinqu Kyle in ~[O5 Council Member Reveal]~   
    Has already shown his efficacy as an A-1 Commander. 
    Enough said, I believe he is fit for this role.
  22. Haha
    Nook got a reaction from GANGSTALKED BY XUNTS BF in ~[O5 Council Member Reveal]~   
    Has already shown his efficacy as an A-1 Commander. 
    Enough said, I believe he is fit for this role.
  23. Like
    Nook reacted to Avery Winters in O5 Council Application - Luke Ocasio   
    "I think you have a support of the public as well as an aptitude for leadership and the right attitude"
    "I'm not sure about your capbalities when it comes to political maneuvering and subterfuge."
    "In times of war, victory is must be achieved at all costs."
    "For one such a general bears the responsibilities of duties and weight of his soliders lives"
    "It's something you should consider investing in. I hope you'll become a prosperous leader"
    From a Former Council Member.

  24. Like
    Nook reacted to Walter Webb in O5-6"The Judge"   
    Your in-Game Name:Walter Webb
    Your SteamID:STEAM_0:1:450116981
    Your Age:15
    Your In-Game Playtime:9w
    Your Warns:9
    Rate Your RP Skills:8/10
    What O5 Designation would you prefer (1-12) and what character?:
    O5-6"The Judge"
    Have you read and understand the rules of SCP-RP?:Of course
    Why do you believe you should be part of the O5 Council and what can you bring to the role e.g (Pressure in extreme situations, making the tough decisions): I believe my dedication is my best quality. Time and time again I have been knocked down from the very top to the very bottom and I still managed to climb right back up and start again. From my very first days in administrative positions such as an HoEA, SD, ECM and O5 I have found great amount of enjoymnent from being able to participate in such roles and to make changes that affect people around me in a positive way. I know how to handle power in a mature way that would bring benefit to most rather than to few. While I was still in the Council I made a lot of progress from my last few attempts by being more co-operative and friendly with other members while still keeping myself in a position that I found fitting. Of course tough decisions were made by me from time to time, all the way from simple trials to deals with the anomalous and GoIs. I believe I was fair while I was an O5 Council member and that I didn't do wrong by anyone, even if that may be impossible. Lastly I believe that I would be a good addition to the Council due to me already proving myself time and time again to be capable to act in such positions of power.
    Can you explain what an O5 does for the foundation and the site itself and why he himself differs from any other site Adminstration?:An O5 council member differs from almost every site administration because of his way of thinking and information given or found out by him.He knows the real extent of things around himself and he knows almost everything about anyone he wants,even the least useful personnel to the SD.He understands the power he holds above everyone in the Foundation and the site itself.Furthermore he himself knows that he alone can't do much so he always makes sure to be strict but as honest and good to site administration that run all of his sites around the world.He also understands how big of a target he is for other GOI and why if he was to fall into their hands there would be high threats to the entire Foundation unlike a SD or HoEA that are also important but not as an O5.He also differs from a normal site administration because of as said knowledge and information,he alongside other O5s find things out and everything about them sooner than an SD or HoEA and make a decision that he or other members filter down to the personnel that need to know.What is special about O5 is that they are a council they all decide on 1 thing unlike other site administration that only discuss multiple outcomes to situations in a meeting with other commanders and so on.An O5 is there to oversee and not to micro manage everything such as MTFs,departments and so on,some may want to take part in a project or a test for self amusement unlike an SD that would want to supervise them as much as he can.When it comes to GoI O5s are also special and different because they use DoEA to make deals but rarely do they ever come into contact with a GOI member unless a leader with useful information.
    What is the O5 Council?:
    The O5 council is the highest known body of power in the Foundation. It consists of 12 members and sometimes an additional member to break up ties in votes. The members of the council have to work together to make the right decision at the right time. Everything from world ending scenarios to budget cuts on certain project, they oversee it all. Most members don't do the everyday dirty work, of course they give orders down the Chain of Command to the simple researcher and security guard. They too have limits though from a higher power that they and a spare few others know of.
    Are you currently head of a department (Job Manager), general staff in Nu-7 or a Site Director?:
    As of writing this application I am a Vice-Chairman in the Ethics Committee.
    What Departement would you like to focus on? (Research, Mobile Task Forces, Ethics,...):I would prefer to focus on the department I have the most experience and knowledge on that is the Ethics Committee.
  25. Like
    Nook got a reaction from Oswald Bruner in Oswald's O-5 Application   
    Neutral, like above.
    Same reasons. You're a good guy, but I haven't seen you roleplay as foundation much. 
    Unfortunately, I haven't had any experiences with you that would validate your rp skills / validity.