
SCP Senior Administrator
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  1. Like
    Nook got a reaction from Nell in O5 Council Application - Luke Ocasio   
    Your In-Game Name: Luke Ocasio / Dr. T Nook 
    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:524530320 
    Your Age: 19 
    Your In-Game Playtime: 6 weeks 6 days. 
    Your Warns: 0 
    Rate Your RP Skills: 9/10  
    What O5 Designation would you prefer (1-12) and what character?: O5-4 “Four-Leaved Clover” - he would be charismatic and friendly. This is a custom character, I can give more elaboration if needed!
    Have you read and understand the rules of SCP-RP?: Yes, I have read and have extensive understanding. 
    Why do you believe you should be part of the O5 Council and what can you bring to the role e.g (Pressure in extreme situations, making the tough decisions): I believe I am an optimist, and bring a sense of positivity and reason to a group. I am adept at being always constructive and helpful, and I believe this would translate to a productive and helpful member of the O5 Council. Seeing as the council can be gloomy and serious, I believe a friendly and outgoing member would bring balance and diversity to the council, which will be beneficial.   
    I have shown patience and an ability to perform under pressure as my time in staff, as well as A-1, Nu-7 and Site Director. I have administrative experience, having directed the site alone against combine attacks, commanding Nu-7 during high velocity raids and defending O5 against breaches or other attacks as A-1. I have no difficulty in making difficult decisions and can hold an assertive reasoning behind my actions . I believe I am mature, friendly and approachable, as well as assertive and grounded, to counteract my friendliness. The O5 Council is a position I have been ambitious for, therefore, I would be eager to make a positive impact on the council. I believe the administrative ability I have demonstrated in my roles prove my aptitude for the council.  
    Can you explain what an O5 does for the foundation and the site itself and why he, himself, differs from any other Site Administration?: The O5 council make critical decisions for the site, as well as all other sites within the Foundation’s ownership. They have the authority and responsibility to manage all personnel on site, as well as in administrative positions. They vote on actions to take on critical problems they face within the site, whether it be external influences (GOIs / global affairs) or internal affairs (personnel / site management). They have access to all of the foundation’s resources, and are the most valuable members of the Foundation. The difference from other members of administration are their secrecy, influence and protection; they are guarded by MTF Alpha-1 at all times, and usually act on situations that pose a threat to security of the site / foundation in general.  
    What is the O5 Council?: The O5 Council is a board of 12-13 (definition of this is largely unassimilated) individuals, who oversee the entire Foundation and its operations. They have complete control over the foundation’s movements, and can vote on principal decisions that will effect the site or its personnel, such as hiring / demoting personnel, determining relations with GOIs, making executive decisions on the “rules” of the site. The O5 Council has the power to detonate the Omega / Alpha warheads, though this drastic measure is rarely taken. Each O5 member’s identity is strictly secret, and is not revealed to anybody; Clearance 2 and below are not even aware of their existence. O5 members’ designations are remained to be covert and are thus referred to by their codenames.  
    Are you currently a head of a department (Job Manager), general staff in Nu-7 or a Site Director?: I am currently the Job Manager for Head Researchers, an Administrator on the server, as well as experience as a Site Director (resigned recently).  
    What department would you like to focus on?: Seeing as I have extensive experience in the Research field, I would like to oversee research. If this is not possible, I would happily oversee Mobile Task Forces or Ethics (again, for my experience as ECM and E-11/Nu-7). 
    -Any changes that are needed, let me know. 
    Luke Ocasio.
  2. Like
    Nook reacted to alex doe in O5 Council Application - Luke Ocasio   
    Each time I see him on he does good RP
  3. Like
    Nook reacted to Dr Wolfgang Fritz in O5 Council Application - Luke Ocasio   
     Can rp
  4. Like
    Nook reacted to John Goe in O5 Council Application - Luke Ocasio   
    I dont think so man!!!! 
    Cool guy
    does le RP
  5. Thanks
    Nook reacted to Engel in O5 Council Application - Luke Ocasio   
  6. Like
    Nook reacted to Alan J Miller in O5 Council Application - Luke Ocasio   
    holy fuck yes
  7. Thanks
    Nook got a reaction from Dylan Mcf in Dylan McF - Staff Applications   
    Have nothing but good things to say about Dylan.
    Your dyslexia won't prove a problem.
    I feel you would be a good addition to the staff team.

  8. Like
    Nook reacted to Xunt in My unban request   
    I've seen bad RPers and players who don't understand how to RP. Never have I seen a player who actively detracts from all RP until you came along. All you do on the server is ruin other people's RP, constantly ignore staff/SMT and engage in combat for next to no reason. We wouldn't have combat jobs if we didn't want combat on the server, but you absolutely take the piss and make every single interaction a team deathmatch no matter what job you are on. You metagame and FailRP as Mayor constantly to start combat with the foundation, you gun down MCND after metagaming them as nu-7, you actively seek out people RPing in an event to ruin it by initiating combat. Due to you ignoring SMT constantly and actively seeking to ruin other people's RP we decided to perma ban you as you clearly have absolutely no intention of RPing on the server.
  9. Sad
    Nook reacted to Jamessssss in Dylan McF - Staff Applications   
  10. Thanks
    Nook got a reaction from Johnwickisblak in Staff Application.   
    I have nothing but good words to speak of you. 
    Previous experience, nice guy, professional.
    Can't ask more of a staff candidate.
  11. Like
    Nook reacted to Max Livio in unban   
    You were banned today by Luke Ocasio for MassRDM 5x + Lying to Staff.

  12. Like
    Nook got a reaction from Max Livio in unban   
    You blatantly lied to staff, when I asked you three separate times if you killed multiple people, you said "No, I don't think that's right". The claim that you killed people in self-defence is null, considering you killed manufacturing personnel, a scientist, the rest being guards. You were obviously killing senselessly, so I believe my jurisdiction was correct in this instance. 
  13. Sad
    Nook reacted to Rusty - Ketero in ISD getting removed   
    Helo please make us stuf faster
  14. Sad
    Nook reacted to Joe Conner in ISD getting removed   
    Do some R&D instead of being arrested for having a plastic shotgun pls tnx 😜
  15. Like
    Nook got a reaction from Voyles in Voyles' Staff Application   
    Application is good, and I've seen good stuff from you in game. 
    It's a shame that the community is genuinely transphobic, no idea why I expected better. 
  16. Like
    Nook reacted to Richard Mann in ???   
    [Login required]

    [Username: Dr. Seehoven]

    [password: ************]

    ...Booting up                               
    \/\Greetings Dr. Seehoven/\/
    Archon Labs has been waiting for you
    Announcement:  "Dear Personal of Archon Labs  or for that matter what remains of us this is your CEO speaking, i hate to inform you that another Research facility has been destroyed. This is the 40th Research facility destroyed after the incident in Ukraine, we have now only 4 Facilities remaining. I will not give up or compromise our mission of saving Humanity through bringing them Progress, we have to finish our studies on Alien Tech no matter the cost. We will have to work with the SCP Foundation to have even a chance of getting this solved before we're all dead. I understand most of you do not like them but this is necessary. If any more of you feel the need to leave, go ahead I won't stop you. For anyone still interested in saving Humanity , Let's do this!"

    Dr. Seehoven: "Archon i need an Update"

    right away
    Research facilities: [Status]

    RF 1 - RF 40: Destroyed

    RF 41 : Temporarily Displaced

    RF 42 : Working on Finishing Project "Power Overwhelming"

    RF 43 - RF 51: Heavily Damaged

    RF 52: Working on Finishing Project "Power Overwhelming"

    RF 53: Working on Finishing Project "Power Overwhelming"

    |||Project: "Chamäleons"|||

    [Decrypting Data]

    [Object: Alien-Alpha-6]
    The goal of Project "Chamäleon" is to Imitate the "Combined Alien Forces" short Combine Technologies which allows the units that our agents have dubbed "Cloakers" to go fully invisible. See [Incident Log #37A1] for further details. 
    V1-V2 were both defective and would kill the User after 5 minutes of active usage.
    V3 wouldn't work well enough at most time but it wouldn't overheat
    V4 Could fully Cloak but would again overheat but only to the point of not working rather then exploding
    V5 Works as intended and fully cloaks you

    Project "Chamäleons": [Operational]
    Materials: [Ready]
    Data: [Ready]
    Prototypes: [Ready]
    [V-1] [Failed]
    [V-2] [Failed]
    [V-3] [Worked]
    [V-4] [Worked]
    [V-5] [Fully Operational]
    [V-6] [Field Testing]


    |||Project: "Rift Walker"|||
    [Decrypting Data]
    Rifer Walker is one of our main tools, for Striking back against the Alien threat it will allow us to use their teleportation technologies to bring the fight to them. It is a phaseshift suit which is currently not past the "Theory" stage. We need a lot more data to be able to build it or before we can even hope to Dream of using it.

    "We have found out that the SCP foundation has gathered enough information to possibly help us in our research for the Suit, or at least provide some extra Data. As much as they have been very uncooperative the past few week we hope to change that by presenting them with our new stabilisers. We're also going to help their Research staff to build trust and to increase the chance of cooperation. I hope I made myself clear." 

    -Dr. Seehoven
    [Related Document]
    Project "Rift Walker": [In Testing]
    Materials: [Ready]
    Data: [Field Testing]
    Prototypes: [None]
    History: The Combine have been interacting with Earth for a short time but in that time Achon has been at war with them. We have had previously just researched any extraterrestrial beings and Technologies. But the Combine found out about our Laboratories and began to slaughtering our personnel and began blowing up our Labs. The currently destroyed Sites are proof of that and we have lost 4 Sites to the foundation raiding us. We have lost so much so, we need to begin to rebuild our Group back to it's old Glory.
    Update: "As of now we have agreed upon alliance with the foundation, we are going to be working close with each other. Agent Mann and Dr.Kyle were involved in fixing our "relations" and have given them enough Information about the Combine Threat. They wish to assimilate US, haha i am very sure that won't be happening. But we have other problems we need to recruit new people to your cause as part of Operation "New Blood". Anyways good luck Gentlemen and keep the good work up and make sure we get Rift Walker done soon."
    Daily Logs:

    [Daily Log Dr. Seehoven]


    [Audio log: 08:04:20(6:00)]

    [Audio log: 08:04:20(10:05)]


    RPName: Richard Mann
    Steamname: Richgun[NCR]
    Discordname: Richgun#8372
    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:20886763

    The Jobs Purpose is to make research Rp more interesting and to encourage Research Rp for any group able to do it and to make the HoEA have a few more things to do. His main goal is to help humanity but he doesn't care about the Foundation or any other GOI in general rather what they do and can't do to help his group accomplish their goal.  The job won't need any good Equipment since it's main and only purpose is to passive Rp with any GOI. 

    Name: Dr. Seehoven

    Model:  Suit with open jacket models/player/Suits/male_07_open_tie.mdl

    -M1911/M9 Beretta
    -Gen+2 Cloaking SWEP

  17. Haha
    Nook got a reaction from Kinqu Kyle in Anthony McCaffrey's - SCP-RP Site Director Application   
    You're a great guy, but it's a -1 from me.
    Application is very short, and you hardly have enough playtime.

    Come back when you have a bit of a better grasp of the community, and a bit more experience.
  18. Like
    Nook got a reaction from alex doe in Larry's report on Luke Ocasino   
    Zero evidence of Dr Lovelock micspamming. I spectated you and him for a while, and you cuffed him for "calling me a dumbass", which you deemed as disrespect. The claim of him micspamming is completely baseless. The fact that you want me demoted for kicking you (which has zero impact on your record) is astounding. 
    Just bear in mind: you killed someone for disrespecting you. 
    Nice RP.
  19. Confused
    Nook got a reaction from Troll and Hater in Larry's report on Luke Ocasino   
    Zero evidence of Dr Lovelock micspamming. I spectated you and him for a while, and you cuffed him for "calling me a dumbass", which you deemed as disrespect. The claim of him micspamming is completely baseless. The fact that you want me demoted for kicking you (which has zero impact on your record) is astounding. 
    Just bear in mind: you killed someone for disrespecting you. 
    Nice RP.
  20. Like
    Nook got a reaction from GANGSTALKED BY XUNTS BF in Larry's report on Luke Ocasino   
    Zero evidence of Dr Lovelock micspamming. I spectated you and him for a while, and you cuffed him for "calling me a dumbass", which you deemed as disrespect. The claim of him micspamming is completely baseless. The fact that you want me demoted for kicking you (which has zero impact on your record) is astounding. 
    Just bear in mind: you killed someone for disrespecting you. 
    Nice RP.
  21. Like
    Nook got a reaction from Guinea in Guinea's Permanent Ban Appeal   
    Hey, Guinea!
    It appears you have 1 warning on your account from Clint Westbrook from August 2020.
    This is the reason you were banned, as detailed by the warn:
    RDM x5 (MRDM) and LTAP. 
    I hope this clarifies any confusion! 
  22. Like
    Nook got a reaction from Cal in Cal Reece - Staff Application   
    A lovely guy, a geniune  and has shown his competence, maturity and friendliness on countless occasions. Has made a positive impact in the community in a short amount of time, and . I genuinely believe he would be a good addition to the team. 
  23. Like
    Nook got a reaction from Cal in Cal Reece - Site Director Application   
    Seen you on Site Administration quite a lot.
    Efficient, kind and a good lad. 
    Great application too.
  24. Like
    Nook got a reaction from Mark Kuntson in Luke's Staff Application   
    Name: Luke N  
    What country are you from?: United Kingdom  
    How well do you speak and understand English?: Very well.  
    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:524530320 
    In-Game name(s): Dr T Nook / Luke Ocasio  
    Age: 18  
    Play Time. Must be at least 3 days. :  2 weeks, 5 days, 6 hours (and climbing!)
    Are you a VIP/GoldVIP?: Platinum VIP  
    Do you have a microphone?: Yes  
    Do you have TeamSpeak? (Required): Yes, I have used it for Nu-7 and ECM / other Foundation Administration.  
    Why should we pick you? (250 word minimum):  
    I am a hard working, optimistic and friendly individual who strives for a good experience for people. I am an excellent team player, and enjoy working alongside individuals for a common goal, especially members of the SCP-RP community. I have an in-depth knowledge of the rules and the legal codex, so I would be just and knowledgeable when evaluating potential wrongdoing. I believe I have a positive reputation in the community, and have made many close friends within the SCP-RP community.  
    All of this being said, I would say my best attribute is my optimistic work ethic; I approach things in a positive direction, in a direct manner. I believe this makes me an effective problem solver, and effective when it comes to interacting with others.  
    Therefore, I believe I would make a good addition to the Staff Team. I thoroughly enjoy helping people, and I believe a position as staff would give me an opportunity to do so.  I have a deep understanding of the community and it’s needs in general, and I believe my integration into the staff team would be fluid. I have staffed for other servers in the past, and have thoroughly enjoyed the time that I spent doing so. I believe I am professional and approachable, as displayed throughout my time in the community, which would be fitting for someone in the staff team.
    I am extremely polite and non-confrontational when it comes to problematic situations, which allows for me to adopt a level-headed and effective attitude when dealing with issues that may arise within the community. There have been some situations where I have been playing as HR or SD where staff have not been online, and I have resolved heated situation that would usually require staff support, and I simply want to be a person that the community can turn to for help, advice, guidance etc. My knowledge of ULX commands would mean operating as staff would be effective and would aid in situations that require them (see more below)  
    I believe that through my position in administrative positions, I have demonstrated maturity, professionalism and patience within my respective roles. When I am a head of department, I am determined to create a better experience for all those on the site, and as staff, I could extend that will to the server, which would make me grateful to have such an ability. When staff maintain a level of order, it ensures that members of the SCP-RP community have fun, and are able to experience SCP-RP to its full intention. It would be an honour to be part of a team that ensures that. Even if this application isn’t successful, I will continue to make roleplay in the community enjoyable and inclusive. 
    How long will you be able to play per day: At least 3+ hours daily. Though I may not be able to staff some days due to papers/ exams (which I will inform other staff members prior to, as to avoid any inconvenience!).  
    Any past experience as staff?:  Yes (though limited)  
    I have been in positions of administration in various Discord communities.  
    (though it has been a while) I staffed a German DarkRP server in 2018 for a while before the server was abandoned.  
    I have thoroughly missed being in a position to help others in this context, it would be wonderful to get to do it again.  
    Any previous warns/bans? If so why? (maximum of 15 warns, exceptions can be made.): No warns, no bans. 

    Do you know the basic ULX commands?: Yes, and I will give a few examples:  
    !goto [Player] Teleports to whoever is named. 
    !warns [Player] Views the warn menu of a player (to check or add warns to their profile)  
    !return Teleports you to your original location (before !goto was performed)   
    !mute [Steam ID] Prevents the player from talking in text-based channels in the server. (time can be set) 
    !ban [Player] [Duration] [Message (usually reason for ban)] !xban brings up a pop-up menu for bans.  
    !freeze [Player/ @] Stops all movement of the selected player.  
    !kick [Steam ID] [Reason] To forcefully remove a player from the server.  
    !noclip Grants the user the ability to pass through walls and fly 
    !cloak / !uncloak Hides the user’s player model  
    Do you know what SCP-RP is about? (not just job descriptions):  
    SCP-RP revolves around the idea that the SCP Foundation exists; the SCP Foundation is a fictional organisation that revolves around the containment of anomalies worldwide. SCP-RP on W-G situates Site 19 under “Ovis City”, and allows players to assume the role of the Site’s variety of personnel. Therefore, SCP-RP is different for everyone; it is a unique experience for the players depending on their role: a Security Guard might defend the site from security threats, a researcher can discover exciting new things about SCPs on the site, an SCP can wreck havoc on the site, and an E-11 Unit can recontain it. I have invested a significant amount of time into each role in the server, and have gained a rounded, informed and broad understanding of the roles in the server and how they operate.  
    I thus understand the hierarchy within the server, clearance levels, zones and have a high knowledge of the site, and what is considered out of bounds / unordinary for certain roles.  Furthermore, I understand the relationships between the Foundation and GOIs and their flexible nature, so I am in-tune with their relations, checking constantly for any alterations. I feel I have spent an adequate amount of time on the server to comprehend the full operations of the Site / server, and all of the classes within. 
    Do you understand the rules of SCP-RP (1 word is not an answer).: Thoroughly, yes. Throughout my time as administrative positions, I have had to refer to the legal codex multiple times. As for OOC rules, I also deeply understand them, and have referred to them on multiple occasions regarding certain wrongdoings of other players in the past. I have even fully reviewed the rules for each individual GOI and SCP, so I have a full understanding of the SCP-RP rules. The most common rules that are disobeyed are:  
    FailRP: A player commits action(s) that would not actually occur in character. For example: A Field Agent going rogue and assisting a GOI.  
    RDM: Known as Random Deathmatch, when a player kills another player for no reason.  
    Metagaming: Utilising out of character (OOC) information in character (IC). For example: recognising certain uniforms (such as red goggles or hockey masks) as hostile, despite not seeing evidence of this.  
    FearRP: When under restraint, and a lethal weapon pointed at the player, you must roleplay that you are under fear of your own life. Thus, you must follow orders you are given whilst cuffed (to an extent). 
    LTAP / LTARP: Leave to avoid punishment / roleplay. When an individual leaves the game to avoid a (usually negative) roleplay situation, or a punishment for something they have done.  
    Thank you very much for reading! 
    -PS: please let me know if there are any formatting issues, so I can fix them asap! thank you ❤️
  25. Like
    Nook got a reaction from Kabasch in Luke's Staff Application   
    Name: Luke N  
    What country are you from?: United Kingdom  
    How well do you speak and understand English?: Very well.  
    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:524530320 
    In-Game name(s): Dr T Nook / Luke Ocasio  
    Age: 18  
    Play Time. Must be at least 3 days. :  2 weeks, 5 days, 6 hours (and climbing!)
    Are you a VIP/GoldVIP?: Platinum VIP  
    Do you have a microphone?: Yes  
    Do you have TeamSpeak? (Required): Yes, I have used it for Nu-7 and ECM / other Foundation Administration.  
    Why should we pick you? (250 word minimum):  
    I am a hard working, optimistic and friendly individual who strives for a good experience for people. I am an excellent team player, and enjoy working alongside individuals for a common goal, especially members of the SCP-RP community. I have an in-depth knowledge of the rules and the legal codex, so I would be just and knowledgeable when evaluating potential wrongdoing. I believe I have a positive reputation in the community, and have made many close friends within the SCP-RP community.  
    All of this being said, I would say my best attribute is my optimistic work ethic; I approach things in a positive direction, in a direct manner. I believe this makes me an effective problem solver, and effective when it comes to interacting with others.  
    Therefore, I believe I would make a good addition to the Staff Team. I thoroughly enjoy helping people, and I believe a position as staff would give me an opportunity to do so.  I have a deep understanding of the community and it’s needs in general, and I believe my integration into the staff team would be fluid. I have staffed for other servers in the past, and have thoroughly enjoyed the time that I spent doing so. I believe I am professional and approachable, as displayed throughout my time in the community, which would be fitting for someone in the staff team.
    I am extremely polite and non-confrontational when it comes to problematic situations, which allows for me to adopt a level-headed and effective attitude when dealing with issues that may arise within the community. There have been some situations where I have been playing as HR or SD where staff have not been online, and I have resolved heated situation that would usually require staff support, and I simply want to be a person that the community can turn to for help, advice, guidance etc. My knowledge of ULX commands would mean operating as staff would be effective and would aid in situations that require them (see more below)  
    I believe that through my position in administrative positions, I have demonstrated maturity, professionalism and patience within my respective roles. When I am a head of department, I am determined to create a better experience for all those on the site, and as staff, I could extend that will to the server, which would make me grateful to have such an ability. When staff maintain a level of order, it ensures that members of the SCP-RP community have fun, and are able to experience SCP-RP to its full intention. It would be an honour to be part of a team that ensures that. Even if this application isn’t successful, I will continue to make roleplay in the community enjoyable and inclusive. 
    How long will you be able to play per day: At least 3+ hours daily. Though I may not be able to staff some days due to papers/ exams (which I will inform other staff members prior to, as to avoid any inconvenience!).  
    Any past experience as staff?:  Yes (though limited)  
    I have been in positions of administration in various Discord communities.  
    (though it has been a while) I staffed a German DarkRP server in 2018 for a while before the server was abandoned.  
    I have thoroughly missed being in a position to help others in this context, it would be wonderful to get to do it again.  
    Any previous warns/bans? If so why? (maximum of 15 warns, exceptions can be made.): No warns, no bans. 

    Do you know the basic ULX commands?: Yes, and I will give a few examples:  
    !goto [Player] Teleports to whoever is named. 
    !warns [Player] Views the warn menu of a player (to check or add warns to their profile)  
    !return Teleports you to your original location (before !goto was performed)   
    !mute [Steam ID] Prevents the player from talking in text-based channels in the server. (time can be set) 
    !ban [Player] [Duration] [Message (usually reason for ban)] !xban brings up a pop-up menu for bans.  
    !freeze [Player/ @] Stops all movement of the selected player.  
    !kick [Steam ID] [Reason] To forcefully remove a player from the server.  
    !noclip Grants the user the ability to pass through walls and fly 
    !cloak / !uncloak Hides the user’s player model  
    Do you know what SCP-RP is about? (not just job descriptions):  
    SCP-RP revolves around the idea that the SCP Foundation exists; the SCP Foundation is a fictional organisation that revolves around the containment of anomalies worldwide. SCP-RP on W-G situates Site 19 under “Ovis City”, and allows players to assume the role of the Site’s variety of personnel. Therefore, SCP-RP is different for everyone; it is a unique experience for the players depending on their role: a Security Guard might defend the site from security threats, a researcher can discover exciting new things about SCPs on the site, an SCP can wreck havoc on the site, and an E-11 Unit can recontain it. I have invested a significant amount of time into each role in the server, and have gained a rounded, informed and broad understanding of the roles in the server and how they operate.  
    I thus understand the hierarchy within the server, clearance levels, zones and have a high knowledge of the site, and what is considered out of bounds / unordinary for certain roles.  Furthermore, I understand the relationships between the Foundation and GOIs and their flexible nature, so I am in-tune with their relations, checking constantly for any alterations. I feel I have spent an adequate amount of time on the server to comprehend the full operations of the Site / server, and all of the classes within. 
    Do you understand the rules of SCP-RP (1 word is not an answer).: Thoroughly, yes. Throughout my time as administrative positions, I have had to refer to the legal codex multiple times. As for OOC rules, I also deeply understand them, and have referred to them on multiple occasions regarding certain wrongdoings of other players in the past. I have even fully reviewed the rules for each individual GOI and SCP, so I have a full understanding of the SCP-RP rules. The most common rules that are disobeyed are:  
    FailRP: A player commits action(s) that would not actually occur in character. For example: A Field Agent going rogue and assisting a GOI.  
    RDM: Known as Random Deathmatch, when a player kills another player for no reason.  
    Metagaming: Utilising out of character (OOC) information in character (IC). For example: recognising certain uniforms (such as red goggles or hockey masks) as hostile, despite not seeing evidence of this.  
    FearRP: When under restraint, and a lethal weapon pointed at the player, you must roleplay that you are under fear of your own life. Thus, you must follow orders you are given whilst cuffed (to an extent). 
    LTAP / LTARP: Leave to avoid punishment / roleplay. When an individual leaves the game to avoid a (usually negative) roleplay situation, or a punishment for something they have done.  
    Thank you very much for reading! 
    -PS: please let me know if there are any formatting issues, so I can fix them asap! thank you ❤️