Leopold Appes

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Posts posted by Leopold Appes

  1. I crashed into you because you and your friend were blocking both lanes of the road. It took you a good while to decide to gunpoint me. The Reich officials were in close proximity when you gunpointed me and it did not seem that you were in a hurry. So instead of kidnapping me, you asked me my ID first which revealed that I am a business owner. You reacted with a sigh and read it out in a sarcastic way. As you were taking me into the warehouse I bit down on my cyanide pill which you would have no idea of until symptoms of cyanide poisoning would show. As soon as you heard the swallowing sound you stripped my comms with the additional comment "Ooooh thats a lot of police comms" and then of course you stripped my guns before I could die. 

    As I still count as a staff member I am able to deal with my own sits, I let you have another opinion from Lichtenstein, but as soon as he heard what actually happened there was no doubt that you were in the wrong. I also think that in your case it does not help you to insult Lichtenstein with a "Fuck you" after you have just wasted his time.


  2. -1

    >213 word sentence

    You were detained by an agent and later arrested after your goons opened fire at the agents. You were brought to the PD to be checked on your affiliations with any organized crime groups. Welp, turns out you were a mafia underboss who is heavily armed. You spoke about FailRP in VC which you were warned for. But that didn't stop you. You continued arguing about how the arrest is invalid, because you have a business license.

    I'm sorry, but a business license doesn't do much when you have armed employees, you are armed and the underboss of an organized crime group. You started screaming and earraping in your mic and yet again started speaking about FailRP in VC. The culmination of your rage got you an additional warning for speaking OOC in VC and Mic spamming. 

    In the end you didn't seem to care about the rules of the server when you were being warned and banned. The effort of this unban request says alot about your intentions on the server.


  3. -1

    >213 word sentence

    You were detained by an agent and later arrested after your goons opened fire at the agents. You were brought to the PD to be checked on your affiliations with any organized crime groups. Welp, turns out you were a mafia underboss who is heavily armed. You spoke about FailRP in VC which you were warned for. But that didn't stop you. You continued arguing about how the arrest is invalid, because you have a business license.

    I'm sorry, but a business license doesn't do much when you have armed employees, you are armed and the underboss of an organized crime group. You started screaming and earraping in your mic and yet again started speaking about FailRP in VC. The culmination of your rage got you an additional warning for speaking OOC in VC and Mic spamming. 

    In the end you didn't seem to care about the rules of the server when you were being warned and banned. The effort of this unban request says alot about your intentions on the server.


  4. As far as I remember you were explained why you are getting warned, as it also is seen in your unban request, you are fully aware of it.

    The person that said "naughty naughty" was in a TS3 channel actually helping me and Aiden write out the warn as instructed by the staff guidelines so when he requested to be brought to the sit (Me assuming he would add something relevant to the sit) I brought him. After realizing my mistake in bringing a player which I took for a staff member on TS3, I immediately returned him after he asked for a firing line to be made. If you feel that the player saying "naught naughty" has in any way personally offended you, I take the blame for it. But I must say I am not very much familiar with who is/has been a staff member on this server and I believe it could be seen as an honest mistake from my part.


  5. First the girl from Manchester and now this? smh...

    I think you should reconsider how your IC character is connected to your OOC beliefs. The action you took as Stv. Gauleiter cannot be explained from an RP perspective, only by your real life bias towards the Mormon church. But who can stop you if there is no one there to review your competence, going against religious policies of the SS which the NSDAP support or just look the other way.


  6. Bro I think you kinda played yourself by taking shipments from Logistiks in spawn. Don't know if that is allowed or not but im sure Henry von Maxton was soooo wet when my man Herman no-clipped 2 meters in spawn and when he no-clipped away while he wasn't in an RP situation in front of the Reichstag. Honestly I've never seen someone get so triggered about a ban that he goes and starts witch hunting a sec staff member for no-clipping in spawn. All staff members are equipped with a battering ram so he didn't give it to himself and he probably brought back the jailbait because of the Simfphys collision glitch kill.


    please learn how to drive on the right side of the road in-game.


  7. I believe that only giving a fraction of the truth is lying. And this thread is a great example.

    1. The reason you were arrested was to stop you and your friends becoming Btec Gestapo/KriPo as you were acting as Police that is in civilian clothing equipped with a sidearm.

    2. Nobody was provoking you, when you realized you have to sit in jail for more than your patience allows you, you started complaining about the Gestapo and your "false arrest" in /OOC. In the first screenshot you can see someone even supporting your claims  with "they are idiots if they arrest you for it" which is where my initial response came from.

    3. Everything I said in /OOC does not need to be taken seriously, if you didn't catch the drift I was joking, for example, "i am rolling around the ground crying"  because you called me a cunt isn't what a person would admit to. What needs to be taken seriously is the rules of the server which disallow you to insult someone, in this instance, calling them a cunt in /OOC. 

    I believe the warn should stay and as it is obvious I can admit to immature behaviour in OOC which for most of the people that know me, isn't a new thing.


    And to all the people who were not part of the situation and decided to take OPs claims and perspective as fact, I would suggest learning how 2 sources of information could benefit any type of development of an opinion or analysis.