Memeking aka james big

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  1. Sad
    Memeking aka james big got a reaction from Windows XP in James Biggs sincer unban request   
    Server you got banned from: SCPRP

    Your name in-game: james big

    Your SteamID: unknown I font have my pc at this time

    Admins' name that banned you: lorex crato

    Admin's steamID: unkown

    Why did you get banned?: RDMx3


    Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: it has been 5 months I have matured much by then I understand the rules now i enjoy werewolf gaming ok RDM is random death match and meta game is not allowed and failrp is letting d class out as foundation and

    Anything else?: I have had a terrible year so far being unbanned would bring a smile too my face 
    thank you for reading
    sincerely james