Philip Morris

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About Philip Morris

Philip Morris's Achievements

  1. Server you got banned from: SCP-RP Your name in-game: Idk (A long time ago) Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:199447395 Admins' name that banned you: Jeffrey lp Admin's steamID: - Why did you get banned?: It was over a year ago so I will try to piece it as good together as I can. It was around 2 am in the morning, at this time the playercount was pretty low around 15-20 people. At this time me and my friends were MTF Guards trying to guard the Class D’s. No admins were On so almost the entire server, especially the Class D’s were minging and breaking the rules. So me and my friends tried to keep the peace for the researchers who were RP-ing and building constructions. We gave the Class D’s many warnings to return to their cells if they wouldn’t listen we killed them. Sometimes though they would just rush through so we killed them instantly, sometimes they would hide in the facility so we would also instantly kill them without bringing them to their cells, which is of course wrong. Sometimes we shot one another as a joke and to annoy each other. While this was going on an admin seemed to have joined the Server and started to spectate us. After a while I got perma banned for mass RDM and shooting my friends without proper reasoning. Evidence(Un-necessary): - Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I believe I should be unbanned because it was a long time ago (Around 1 year). I should have been punished and it is reasonable to ban me, but before that I have been an avid SCP-RP player and I enjoyed very much and I was disappointed when I got banned. In this meantime I have been playing on other RP servers and changed a lot, that’s the reason why I should get a 2nd chance. Anything else?: -