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  1. My In-Game name: I honestly forgot but it was probably Geor Aria STEAMID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198081405089/ Steam Name: Edgar What is the reason for your ban: I don´t remember anymore but I think I was trolling too much and then ended up coming back once with my alt but it made my ban into a perma then How long were you banned for: originally i think it was a few weeks but then it turned into a perma because a joined once with my alt and the system banned me forever Name of the staff member who banned you: again sorry don´t remember Why do I believe that I should be unbanned: well i´m hoping that im a little more mature now and actually wish to rp
  2. My In-Game name: Geor (i sadly don´t remember the numbers) STEAMID: https:/steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198081405089 Steam Name: Edgar What is the reason for your ban: I was minging on the server and got banned How long were you banned for: I don´t remeber for sure how long the original ban was suppose to be I think it was like 2 weeks but I had accidentally logged on once with my alt thinking I was on my main and got perma banned by the server instantly Name of the staff member who banned you: it was very long time ago sorry I can´t remember Why do I believe that I should be unbanned: its been a very long time i think somewhere around half a year and it was dumb of me to minge and I regret doing that I miss the players and the roleplay Evidence: