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  1. RP Name: Alex Hamilton Steam Name: Syrex Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:109057062 Playtime and Level (5 days and level 50 minimum): 5 days and Level 50. Apologies for the low playtime, I am seeking to expand my roleplaying horizons as quick as possible. Warns: None. What is the Department of External Affairs?: The Department of External Affairs is, of course, a department within the foundation that handles the External Affairs of the foundation. Populated with Agents and the Head of External Affairs who leads the department, they are in charge of making sure that the foundation remains a secret within the general population and dealing with GOIs. They also plant disinformation in case of raids or breaches and filter new employees for the foundation. Filled with many skilful Agents, DoEA also plans raids on hostile GOIs or those harbouring an anomaly that is a potential threat to the general population of Ovis City. They commonly deal with the captured POI (People of Interest) and GOI in order to make sure the foundation runs smoothly 24/7. The DoEA is merged with the Intelligence Agency which results in the four main branches : Administrative and Operations Bureau, Disinformation Bureau, Intelligence Bureau and Recruitment Bureau which all play a vital part in the smooth running of the site. Who is the Head of External Affairs?: The Head of External Affairs is the Head of the Department, tasked with protecting the site from any loose ends that appear on the surface, GOI or not so the foundation can run smoothly without threat of raids. Equipped with the Nanite Explosive Inserter, they have the ability to convert captured POIs into MTF Unit : Sigma-66 and humanoid anomalies into MTF Unit : Omega-12. Both MTF Units have explosives in the back of their necks, resulting in any disloyalty to end up with termination of the members of the Units, sometimes individually and sometimes the whole unit is terminated if they are compromised. What is a GOI?: GOIs are Groups of Interest which commonly have conflicting interests with the foundation and a hand in the anomalous. Many other groups seek to collect or exploit anomalies for their own gain. The majority of groups are not friendly with the foundation which results in the dozens of MTF Units they have assembled over the years. A few notable groups include : Marshall, Carter & Dark, This group is interested in making as much money as possible through any means, anomalous or not. Any attempts to gather information on its leaders are commonly shutdown due to the lack of information they gather after long stretches of time. The Church of the Broken God, This group is interested in rebuilding their god, Mekhane or WAN depending on which sect you encounter, by collecting the parts of their god. The parts are assumed to be anomalous in nature and rebuilding of Mekhane could result in a technological apotheosis which could end the world. It is lead by Robert Bumaro, who gained the title of "Builder of the Broken God" back in 1942. Chaos Insurgency, This group is hell bent on screwing over the foundation by raiding several sites and stealing SCP objects to use against their enemies. Created by a unit that went rogue in 1924. It has since became a large GOI and holds much power. Often 'liberating' D-Class during their many raids against the foundation. They use them as low ranked members for cannonfodder. Nobody knows its current leaders and its main HQ Who does the HoEA anwser to?: The Head of External Affairs reports to the O5 Council but also answers to the Site Director, due to him holding authority over the HoEA. What are the duties of a HoEA?: The Duties of HoEA include everything the department should be doing, such as planting disinformation to dissuade people from following the foundations scent, Dealing with captured GOIs and POIs that are brought in by MTF Units. Gathering intel on GOIs and filtering employees. Although the HoEA also has to manage his department appropriately and with skill to ensure that all the resources are used, further increasing the effective capacity of the Department. What is MTF Sigma-66 and Omega-12? MTF Sigma-66 "Sixteen Tons" is a MTF Unit comprised of captured members of GOIs, often having valuable skill sets but a lack of loyalty, they are equipped with a Nanite Explosive in the base of their neck which is able to be detonated by the HoEA at any time if they try anything funny. MTF Omega-12 "Achilles Heel" is also another MTF Unit which has members recruited by the HoEA. Populated with reality bending anomalies from every origin, they are commonly used to hunt down other uncontained reality benders which makes this unit particularly unique. Describe the SCP Foundation as a GOI: The SCP Foundation was established on [REDACTED] in order to combat the rising risk of world ending anomalies which have also been dubbed SCPs. Backed by dozens of governments around the world. The main goal of the Foundation is to secure, contain and protect these anomalies from the outside world. They are in possession of hundreds of anomalous entities which are often researched and documented on their secure database. They have near unlimited resources and a large military like force which is used for various purposes. They use D(isposable)-Class as subjects to see the effects of SCPs on the human body. They exist in a moral grey area, where they experiment on humans, which is quite cruel, for the good of humanity. D-Class are taken from death row and similar origins and are normally 'rotated' every month with very few ever leaving the facility once they enter. It is recommended to steer clear of the foundation unless you want a steel fist falling on you. They are very swift and are lead by very skilled individuals who are deadly if provoked. This GOI is very powerful and has near unlimited reach all over the world, with sites all over the globe. Do not engage unless necessary.
  2. RP-Name, Warns: Alex Hamilton, 0 Warns Level, Rank, Playtime: Level 50, PlatVIP and 4 days, 2 hours. Apologies for my low playtime, I just enjoy playing Convert and would like to be more involved. SteamID: STEAM_0:1:109057062 What is the Church of the Broken God?: The Church of the Broken God is a religious group, founded thousands of years ago, which believes all life and flesh are inherently evil and should be replaced with mechanical parts. They worship the god, Mekhane, and believe that they can rebuild him by gathering all his parts. What are the 3 main factions of the church, how are they different from each other?: The 3 main factions of the Church are : Church of the Broken God : As I said previously, members of this faction believe that by gathering all the parts of Mekhane, they can rebuild them and bring about a new era of civilisation in which technology rules all. Cogwork Orthodoxy Church : The Cogwork Orthodoxy Church is a splinter group from when the Church of the Broken God was separated many years ago. Believing that all advanced technology (Smartphones, Datachips and everything along those lines) are inferior to the steam powered technology they augment themselves with and mass produce as a form of prayer to MEKHANE. Church of Maxwellism : The Church of Maxwellism is another splinter group like the Cogwork Orthodoxy but it is a unique one. They have no apparent leader and operate in a hivemind type way through microchips implanted in their brains. Mainly using the internet and computers to perform preaches and prayer. They normally use small scale alterations such as advanced cybernetics and organ enhancement. They believe that in order to revive Mekhane, (Whom they refer to as WAN) All of humanity must be connected. Who leads the each of the factions?: Robert Bumaro, referred to as His Holiness Robert Bumaro or His Holiness Robert Bumaro, Builder of the Broken God leads the Church of the Broken God faction. The Cogwork Orthodoxy Church is lead by several patriarchs. Church of Maxwellism has no apparent leader, due to them working in a hivemind. Who is Yaldabaoth and who is Mekhane?: Yaldabaoth is the god of flesh and instinct whom gave humans their body and shape and Mekhane, God of intelligence and machine whom gave humans their intellect and thought. Both Gods didn't get along very well and it resulted in a catastrophic war. What to the CotBG is heresy?: Disassembly is the highest form of heresy to the Churches meanwhile anything to do with Sarkicism (Religion that worships flesh and Yaldabaoth) is also treated as heresy and will be dealt with accordingly. What is Sarkicism?: Sarkicism is the polar opposite of the Churches, They believe that flesh must be worshipped and that becoming a god is the height of the religion. Founded by the Grand Karcist Ion thousands of years ago, The Churches have been fighting Sarkicism for millennia. There are two main factions in the Sarkic Culture, Proto-Sarkites, who believe that sacrificing themselves for the good of the people is what Sarkicism is about. They are usually situated in rural villages and are hostile to outsiders and technology. Different sects of the Proto-Sarkites will scarcely communicate with each other. Neo-Sarkites believe that the sacrifice of others for their own benefit is the meaning of Sarkicism. This faction is situated in large cities and is normally populated with rich, influential people. They are not technophobic due to the fact that most of them have access to immense resources. Neo-Sarkites are much more vile than their Proto-Sarkite counterparts, they involve in paedophilia and other horrendous acts. Proto-Sarkites view them in a negative way. Describe the War of the Flesh and how it ended: The War of the Flesh was a war between the Mekhanites and the Sarkites. It was horrific, with the Mekhanites using massive robotic constructs and the Sarkites using similar flesh-based war machines. Mekhane, fearing the destruction of civilisation itself, reassembled themself into a cage to trap the vile Yaldabaoth inside. Pieces of Mekhane fell to earth, with Mekhane hoping that their loyal followers would one day reassemble them. The war left both religions fractured, leading to the state they are in today.