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  1. Haha
    Ewan reacted to ConnoRR_ in Davis's EP Application   
    Heard alot of good things from davis and his events, he has the experience required and would like to see him in the EP team
  2. Like
    Ewan reacted to Defrexx in Davis's EP Application   
    An old SEP who surely will breathe fresh air into events.
  3. Like
    Ewan reacted to Davis in Davis's EP Application   
    General Information:
    Steam Name + Profile Link:
    David (https://steamcommunity.com/id/reportwh/)
    Roleplay Name (e.g. GM TRP Johan / Jedi Padawan Ngannou):
    41st LT Davis
    Teamspeak Name:
    Playtime on the Server:
    1mo 2w 3d 7h 25m
    SteamID (http://steamidfinder.com/):
    Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server:
    Never official staff, I was trusted to kick/warn people and do claims when no staff was online when I was senior EP on this server, but that was pretty much never needed.
    Current Age: 
    Warns/Bans (Screenshot required):
    Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?:
    Have you ever hosted an event before? (remove this if not applicable):
    Yes, Was Senior EP in 2019 so, over hundreds. (Main storyline, Custom storyline, order 66, base attacks, planetaries)
    What was your event and was it successfully executed (remove this if not applicable):
    I have done all kinds of events that were possible when I was SEP. I have been part of collaborative custom storyline events. I have also been one of the EPs responsible for executing order 66 and main storyline events up until O66. I believe my events were well recieved and offered great experiences.
    What are the responsibilities an event planner has? (100 words minimum):
    Event planners are given responsibility to create and execute events and RP situations for players to enhance their experience on the server. As an Event planner, you are held to a standard of behaving professionally and be open to feedback and criticism. An EP is expected to always lend a helping hand when fellow EP's need assistance. As an EP you are given ULX powers to only use for event and RP purposes. You are not a staff member and should not abuse this power. This is also true for IC situations, EPs are never allowed to abuse their ULX powers, for example by giving equipment and increasing rank without a purpose.
    Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?:
    Yes, I understand and I am excited to learn what has changed, learn from my mentor and the rest of the EP team.
    Clone Event Plan:
    Story for your event (250 words minimum):
    The event has two parts, a Pre-RP and a main event. 
    A fanatic cartel by the name of Tatooine Cut-Throats have been establishing themselves in the outer rim. The cartel is a ruthless group of people from all over the galaxy based on tatooine. The cartel's main philosophy is anarchy and despises the GAR. The cartel has been approached by the CIS to infiltrate the Rishi Moon Outpost to collect intelligence about the clone home world of Kamino. 
    The Tatooine Cut-Throats have started gathering information on the layout of the base. They are keeping their distance and trying not to get the discovered. Everything is going according to plan when suddenly one of the cartel members slips on the HQ roof and lands on the main courtyard. Gaz the ruthless, the commanding officer of the cartel, realises the attack is now forced to begin.
    Main Event
    The cartel, Tatooine Cut-Throats, have made the local civilian camp their FOB for this mission. They have set up a communications centre to relay information back to the cartel. A tactical droid has also been placed there by the CIS to ensure the mission goes according to plan. After gathering intelligence for some time, they are finally ready for a full scale attack on the base to complete their mission. The CIS supplied the cartel with equipment for the attack to make sure this mission is a success. The plan is to attack on two fronts to even the odds against the GAR, One explosive entrance through the main gate and one infiltration squad sneaking in. 
    What the CIS do not know is that the lieutenant of the cartel commanding the forces for the attack has been given direct orders by one of their leaders, Draven Accardi, to eliminate the tactical droid and keep all the information for themselves to sell to the highest bidder. After the mission is completed the cartel forces make a final stand while waiting for extraction, The republic needs to protect their brothers on Kamino and find out more information about this new enemy knocking on their doorstep.
    Event Announcement for your story:
    A mysterious body was found in main courtyard earlier and the republic couldn't identify where he came from or what his motives were... The only information gathered was an insignia found on the body and a communications device. The information found was that the mysterious man was from a new unknown cartel by the name of "Tatooine Cut-Throats". The republic expects an imminent attack on their base. What is this new enemy on the republic's doorstep and what are their plans? The base stays on high alert...
    Choice of map: 
    Rishi Moon / Can also be done on anaxes but needs tweaking
    Type of enemies/faction, Why them in particular?:
    The faction is going to be using the pirate jobs since they are supposed to be a diverse cast of characters from all over the galaxy. These models make the most sense because of this.
    Pirate Captain: 1x
    Pirate Crewmate: 4x
    Pirate Gunner: 2x
    Pirate Raider: 1x
    Pirate Sharpshooter: 1x (Depending on 41st or OS numbers)
    Additional Characters:
    Gaz the ruthless (only adverts)
    Tactical Droid (ragdoll)
    Republic's outline and execution:
    A mysterious person has fallen from the HQ roof and landed in the main courtyard. The republic takes him to the medbay to bring him back to life for information. They perform a successful surgery, noticing multiple self-inflicted wounds and a communications device. CE and RC take the comm device and inspect its content. After resting, he finally wakes up. He is greeted by clones on edge, questioning him about where he came from and what his motives are. The cartel member finally snaps and starts punching and screaming, the republic is forced to execute him. After this incident, the base stays on alert.
    Main event:
    The republic is surprised, attacked at the main gate by heavy CIS armour. They instantly get on defcon 3 and start sending troops to defend. They notice it is not the CIS attacking, but pirates. Furthermore, they keep getting attacked by vehicles and multiple hostiles. While this is going on, pirates have entered the HQ vents and are heading towards the generator room. As soon as the cartel enters GR, the hostiles at the main gate disappear. The clones rush to defend GR. The cartel successfully takes control of the GR and turns it off to disrupt the republic's computers. The republic drive the cartel out off GR, but they already got the information. The republic quickly realises what they are after and hurry up to battalion bunks and are greeted by a fortified enemy. The republic need to stop them from downloading their data. The hostiles escape and start running towards the main gate with the information. The republic pursue them and are greeted once again by hostile vehicles. The cartel escapes to the civilian camp and make a final stand while waiting for extraction. The republic fight them but fail to catch them and some escape. The only thing they find is a destroyed tactical droid in the civilian camp. They transport the tactical droid back to base and find out about the mission and information on whom this new enemy cartel is.
    Event Character outline and execution:
    This Pre-RP is done solo by the EP and maybe one more EC before gathering. The EP drops a ragdoll down from HQ roof of a dead pirate and does RP adverts to "explain" to the republic what is going on. After the surgery, the EP plays the cartel member and starts punching clones and finally dies. While the surgery is going on, the EP can also play the System AI for CE and RC hacking the communication device to help them find the information. When all of this is over, EP starts gathering EC's
    Main event:
    The EP will build a dupe for the civilian camp to represent the FOB for the cartel. After that, the EC's will start coming through main gate with tanks and start pushing into the base. The EC's are only supposed to be there for a short while or until they get overrun. After this the EC's will spawn on HQ roof and head down to GR. They successfully turn off GR and defend this position for a while. One EC (or EP) will start hacking into the computer to download data. After the clones defeat them in GR they will start coming from battalion bunks where the same principle will go down. They will be defending for some time while one EC (or EP) downloads data from one of the office computers. After the republic pushes in they start spawning by HQ roof and from there the spawns move closer towards MG every-other minute. When they are at main gate they will get more tanks to use and fight there for a while. At the end they will setup at Civilian camp with heavy guns and final batch of vehicles while one of the EC's does advert: "uploading information" and "loading supplies". Finally, the EP will board a ship and fly away and ultimately escape. The EP will drop a tactical droid ragdoll in one of the buildings of the civilian camp for the republic to find.
    Anything else?:
    W-G Event Planner
  4. Thanks
    Ewan reacted to Victor in Davis's EP Application   
    Creative guy and amazing when i talked to you, both in game and on discord . Overall respectful. 
    The event idea is nice! Only issue i find is the amount of ECs, aw you have noticed in our events we usually go for 6-8 ECs due to the playercount, and since this is a base attack, obviously the numbers will be auto low, me personally i would tweak the numbers down to like 7 maybe 6.
    Overall +1
  5. Confused
    Ewan reacted to Jensen in Davis's EP Application   
    +1 davis sounds like the goat
  6. Sad
    Ewan reacted to Loki in Davis's EP Application   
    The Build-Up and the Story are amazing.
    Its a easy to execute and still intriguing Event.
  7. Confused
    Ewan reacted to jan in Davis's EP Application   
    Was extremely good as a SEP back in the day
  8. Haha
    Ewan reacted to Pewpa in Davis's EP Application   
    this is super great I love you and all that +1
  9. Haha
    Ewan got a reaction from Benjilol in Theo's Unban Request   
    Theo is a friend of mine and I can say with confidence that he has changed. He has grown and matured and I can guarantee he would not do something like this again.
    I personally think he should be given a second chance and allowed to prove to everyone that he has changed. 
  10. Thanks
    Ewan got a reaction from Chewy in Chewy Ban Appeal   
    My personal account of interacting with chewy has been nothing but positive. He has been active, actually doing his job when called for and in my opinion making the server more fun. 
    I must admit that I think chewy and his friends are on the less serious side of the RP, which can lead to butting heads, however when we are in downtime not doing anything serious I don't think that he needs to hold his RP to the highest degree of seriousness. Chewy has made it clear in his appeal that he also understands this and will relax with these less serious RP situations even if he did take it too on this occasion.
    I do not have a personal account for the events that led to him being banned late last night. I have heard from second hand sources that it was a cluster fuck not only due to Chewys actions but many other CTs. This scenario probably did spiral from Chewys demotion in CG and get out of hand, but I think a second chance given to chewy to come back early would show that he wants to play and have fun like the rest of us.
  11. Like
    Ewan got a reaction from theo in Pewp's Unban Request   
    always was the best role player in the business
  12. Like
    Ewan reacted to Davis in Pewp's Unban Request   
    Wow, I do not know what to say, This guy has helped me so much in my life. He has been there at my lowest to get me back up on my feet. He motivates me to do better and whenever I feel like giving up he always lends a helping hand. Pewp may have been a sinner before but Allah forgives and he deserves a second chance. Please unban my brother #stayhard
    former black soldier with sniper for grand army of republic on werwolf gaming starwars rp
  13. Like
    Ewan reacted to Bobby Bands in Pewp's Unban Request   
    If Benji says its true its true #TrustTheSystem 
  14. Like
    Ewan reacted to Recap in Pewp's Unban Request   
    guys i changed my mind becasuse pewp didn tput much effort in his apology. i would have +1'd if u took me out for dinner; eating lobster and caviar,  buy me apatek phillipe watch while playing the whole concert of the nutcracker suite by tchaikovsky by yourself but for now i will have to -1 

    ex rank ex rank ex rank
  15. Like
    Ewan reacted to Pewpa in Pewp's Unban Request   
    how are you man!
  16. Like
    Ewan reacted to Benjilol in Pewp's Unban Request   
  17. Like
    Ewan got a reaction from Benjilol in Pewp's Unban Request   
    Its been almost a year since the ban and you are all here speculating saying he is just going to come on and minge? Maybe if you dont have a single clue what he is going to be like then give him a second chance. Your acting like you couldn't just ban him again if he does minge.
  18. Haha
    Ewan got a reaction from Recap in Pewp's Unban Request   
    Doesn't seem like a valid reason please can we be serious on the forums.
  19. Like
    Ewan got a reaction from Benjilol in Pewp's Unban Request   
    Doesn't seem like a valid reason please can we be serious on the forums.
  20. Thanks
    Ewan got a reaction from Pewpa in Pewp's Unban Request   
    Doesn't seem like a valid reason please can we be serious on the forums.
  21. Like
    Ewan got a reaction from Benjilol in Pewp's Unban Request   
    always was the best role player in the business
  22. Confused
    Ewan got a reaction from Recap in Pewp's Unban Request   
    always was the best role player in the business
  23. Haha
    Ewan reacted to Recap in Pewp's Unban Request   
    +1 #JusticeForPewp

  24. Thanks
    Ewan got a reaction from Pewpa in Pewp's Unban Request   
    always was the best role player in the business