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jan last won the day on September 2

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  1. +1 just because of the formatting. I like the artistic choice of offsetting everything by half the page, makes it look like you wrote more than you actually did. Really Monet-esque, with perhaps a touch of a Thomas Cole vibe, the spaciousness really boosts the contrast between your application and the dark, empty void of the werewolf gaming forum backdrop. It’s beautiful, innovative, and subtle, yet it's obvious that you are trying to portray your potential events as a light in the darkness of an empty event slot on a random Thursday evening at 6:30pm. Really good stuff right there.
  2. +1 Was extremely good as a SEP back in the day
  3. +1 Oh my lord Theo, what you did was absolutely disgusting and behavior like that should not be tolerated -- and it wasn't! However, knowing you better than all the people that put neutral, I can say that you've changed a lot and are like a completely different person. I know you watch Hasanabi a lot now and share the same ideologies as him, which means you must be very progressive! I've seen you defend the people others make fun off in many games where an overly toxic environment is very prevalent and am 100% sure that you are not the same little emo bitch you were when you were 14 years old, which does make a lot of sense, if you think about it. Who could've guessed that time does change people (especially when the time in question is 25% of someone's life)? Interesting! On the real, Theo for sure deserves another chance, he was a very important and reliable member of the community back then (was always someone you put in charge of a regiment to fix it) and went through some tough times that made him act really stupid in the moment, but he has matured enough since.
  4. +1 Don't overlook him because of the timezone. I can tell you first hand that the one thing the server has improved on in recent years is the player base activity late at nights, yet the staff team is still widely EU based, which means that US and other late night players remain unstaffed in those hours. Otherwise great guy, friendly and very willing to help. Would be worth giving him a shot, in my opinion.
  5. +1 The goat, has loads of experience and been part of the community for a long time. Extremely competent and friendly.
  6. Was clear as day it was a missclick, as he wasn't moving and tabbed back in to speak, which caused him to ignite the saber and attack. I warned him just so noone cried about it and so he doesn't have to spend 15 minutes in the brig for no reason. Hurt absolutely noone, I tped the CT back, was evident it was a missclick and Sesh explained and apologized so. Should be rescinded
  7. Don't think I've ever seen a more polarizing thread before, this one's for the history books. As for the actual unban appeal, I know you much better than the vast majority commenting on here and can say that you've acknowledged your mishaps and learnt from them. That being said, you weren't even banned because of that in the first place. People had their own agendas which lead to your ban, even if you weren't at fault whatsoever. I would've understood the backlash you got on this appeal had you actually been banned for the fuckup literally everyone is raving about, but you weren't. At the end of the day I feel like both of us know the result of this appeal doesn't really matter as reputations will stick for better or worse and it'll be quite hard to once again engage with the community on a certain expected level, I suppose. That being said, I think they could give you another shot and I believe you are more than capable of proving yourself, if you can escape the shadow of the controversy. - love, jan