Zuka 秘籍

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About Zuka 秘籍

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  1. Yeah, It's Mad He's Got One Of The Oldest Steam Accounts In The World, I'll Have To Wait For Him To Come Online And Then I'll Ask Him For The Reason And A Screen Shot
  2. Weed SteamID: 76561197961175700
  3. Server you got banned from:Your name in-game: Zuka Your SteamID: 120282170500962Admins' name that banned you: N/AAdmin's steamID: N/AWhy did you get banned?: My Brother Got Banned For A Week, And We Have Linked Accounts So When I Went To Play We Both Got Perm BannedEvidence(Un-necessary): N/AWhy do you deserve to be unbanned?: I Feel Like Its Not My Fault That I Got Banned For Nothing And My Brother Didn't Tell Me He Got Banned So We Both DidAnything else?: I Would Appreciate It If You Would Understand That It Isn't Fair That I Got Banned