Rude Ronin

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About Rude Ronin

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  1. Server you got banned from: werewolf SCPYour name in-game: Rude Ronin ( i think)Your SteamID:76561198057526714Admins' name that banned you: Cant RememberAdmin's steamID: Can't RememberWhy did you get banned?: Shot an admin (general being an idiot) and kept shooting prisoners trying to come through corridor (I'm my defense i thought that was part of the rolepay but hey ho)Evidence(Un-necessary): Its been over a year i'm afraid i dont have any savedWhy do you deserve to be unbanned?: Been permabanned for over a year, would really like to play again, seeing as what i did earned me a perma ban, if i were to be unbanned i rather it stay that way.Anything else?: Read the rules so i cant use that excuse if i end up doing something silly again.
  2. 1. it was never explained to me why i was banned, the inital explanation is what i assumed happened. 2. as i said i was doing what other players where doing at teh time, when i was a d personal i was shot on sight, so when i leveled up to play as secuirty i just assumed we were supposed to shoot on sight, did this in front of several players and no one said anything. 3. yeah me and jonny and deathkorps play together we just havent bothered to register with the site and discord until now we've been playing on both SCP and WW2 for about 2 months. I've tried being as forth coming as i can with this but given this happened a month ago the details are fuzzy, i just want to play on the server with my friends not cause grief.
  3. In my defense no one told me i was doing anythign wrong, i figured the guy a shot before my ban was the real reason
  4. i did do that but i thought was part of the RP as i saw others doing it and when i was D class i was also getting shot when trying to get through the airlock
  5. Yeah just read the template note, should be sorted now.
  6. PS obviously if my name is still taht cant remeber i will change it to something more appropriate
  7. Server you got banned from: SCPYour name in-game: Nigerian PaulYour SteamID: 76561198057526714/Admins' name that banned you: Cant rememberAdmin's steamID: cant rememberWhy did you get banned?: Shot admin (didnt know what was going on)Evidence(Un-necessary):Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Literally first time on serverAnything else?: Admin came in when some other guys where building a strip club, admin came in going "WTF" guy same shoot him so i did. next thing i know im perma banned