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About jonny1100

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  1. Fair enough that Rude Ronin got banned in the first place based on the server rules but to be given a Permaban seems a bit disproportionate. Especially when you take into consideration that its his first offence on the server; we were all pretty new to the server/ still learning the ropes; the reason for banning wasn't talked through with Rude Ronin at the time; and from my understanding somebody gave him the order to shoot the D class in question. I cannot say what clearance the individual who gave the order was but from what I could recall it was a heat of the moment thing. It's not very realistic to stop gameplay and ask what clearance somebody is when you're getting rushed by D Class as Security. Ultimately accidents happen
  2. @Cal Reece I'm a legitimate player and I'm VIP. My name on SCP is Jonny Urban and WW2 Johann Lindenman.
  3. +1 I believe this user deserves to be unbanned