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  1. Sad
    Dr.Fillmore got a reaction from Bruno Woodston in Dolphinboy's 05 Request.   
    Your in-Game Name: Dr Marek Barbee.
    Your SteamID: 76561199070938593
    Your Age: 13.
    Your In-Game Playtime: 356 Hours.
    Your Warns: None that I know of.
    Rate Your RP Skills: 7.5
    What O5 Designation would you prefer (1-12) and what character?: 05-3 / "The kid" Or "The All-seeing Eye."
    Have you read and understand the rules of SCP-RP?: Yes I have read and understood them.
    Why do you believe you should be part of the O5 Council and what can you bring to the role e.g (Pressure in extreme situations, making the tough decisions): I can bring Honest opinions good roleplay and assertive personality along with Control.
    Can you explain what an O5 does for the foundation and the site itself and why he himself differs from any other site Administration?: The 05 council is responsible for the entire foundation, They pass laws along with the Admissitration assembly.
    What is the O5 Council?: The 05 council is the Highest Rank in the foundation There is the 05 council consist of the 05 head the administrator
    currently head of a department (Job Manager), general staff in Nu-7 or a Site Director?:No i am currently not a Head department of any dep
    What Department would you like to focus on? (Research, Mobile Task Forces, Ethics,...): I want to join in on the scientifical department of the foundation I fell that i would do best in the scientific department.
  2. Sad
    Dr.Fillmore got a reaction from Walter Webb in Dolphinboy's 05 Request.   
    Your in-Game Name: Dr Marek Barbee.
    Your SteamID: 76561199070938593
    Your Age: 13.
    Your In-Game Playtime: 356 Hours.
    Your Warns: None that I know of.
    Rate Your RP Skills: 7.5
    What O5 Designation would you prefer (1-12) and what character?: 05-3 / "The kid" Or "The All-seeing Eye."
    Have you read and understand the rules of SCP-RP?: Yes I have read and understood them.
    Why do you believe you should be part of the O5 Council and what can you bring to the role e.g (Pressure in extreme situations, making the tough decisions): I can bring Honest opinions good roleplay and assertive personality along with Control.
    Can you explain what an O5 does for the foundation and the site itself and why he himself differs from any other site Administration?: The 05 council is responsible for the entire foundation, They pass laws along with the Admissitration assembly.
    What is the O5 Council?: The 05 council is the Highest Rank in the foundation There is the 05 council consist of the 05 head the administrator
    currently head of a department (Job Manager), general staff in Nu-7 or a Site Director?:No i am currently not a Head department of any dep
    What Department would you like to focus on? (Research, Mobile Task Forces, Ethics,...): I want to join in on the scientifical department of the foundation I fell that i would do best in the scientific department.
  3. Sad
    Dr.Fillmore got a reaction from ✪Kanser CS.MONEY in May I Get Head researcher?   
    I would like to get white listed for Head researcher because i  fell that I'm high enough level and experience in the foundation
  4. Sad
    Dr.Fillmore got a reaction from alex doe in May I Get Head researcher?   
    I would like to get white listed for Head researcher because i  fell that I'm high enough level and experience in the foundation