Pablo Pablo1

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About Pablo Pablo1

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  1. Server you got banned from: SCP ServerYour name in-game: Pablo PabloYour SteamID: yesonlyAdmins' name that banned you: John StanceAdmin's steamID: MutfiraWhy did you get banned?: Accidently using the fling chair exploitEvidence(Un-necessary): Didnt recordedWhy do you deserve to be unbanned?: I didnt wanted to do it on purporse, it was an accident, i was going to sit on the unfrozen chair, I was thinking it was frozen and I accidenty sit on it, and, boom here i am, banned for the exploit due to the game engene being the funniest shit ever. I love this server and I wish i was unbanned.Anything else?: Add a plugin that auto frezes the prop if you didnt do it, to prevent furter incidents. Yours truly Pablo.