Nigerians finest

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About Nigerians finest

Nigerians finest's Achievements

  1. Server I got banned from: Scp Your in-game Id: daniels Richards Your steam ID: Nigerians Finests Admins name: Idk but he was nice Why did you get banned : failed rp Why do you deserved to be unbanned: Due to that I believe to be perma banned for first offence is very harsh, when I didn't know that as a bouncer you can not just raid the facility otherwise I would not of done it. I have seen a few other people who have done it without any repercussions. That I would not of minded if it was a 2 day ban or 2 week ban. But No just a straight perma ban. If you look at my record I have had no previous offences and only 1 warning when I first started playing. So therefore I believe that I should be given another chance as it was an honest mistake which I am really sorry about the inconvenience I causes to those guards who I killed. That yes it would of never happened if I did read the rules but I let excitement take over and wanted to play as the character straight away. That even though I had been told I was aloud to do it by others who I trusted and said it was allowed. Anything else: I do want to say thanks to one of the Admins who tried his best to not get me perma banned and believed that it was a bit harsh and was only trying to just get me kicked then I could rejoin the server. I just wanted to say that I believe that a 2 week ban would of been perfectly fine and I would of learned from my mistake and in that time I would of been able to read those rules so that I know everything i can and can't do so even if I don't get unbanned I will still read those rules to help those who like me were just excited to play on the server and didn't read the rules properly. thanks for your time