[VAC] Zak Oath

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About [VAC] Zak Oath

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  1. Please don't jump in conversations if you had nothing with it because you are just trying to be mean and get someones attention you don't know what happen'd you did't saw what happen'd so please Shut the fuck up
  2. Never said anything about epilepsy and i wont i know what it is and thats enough you dont have to learn me , clearly my 1 hit couldn't cause it and the other guy who hitted him after me didn't caused it either (NOT SAYING YOU SHOULD DO IT CUZ IT DIDNT CAUSED IT ) i just feel unfairly banned because i hitted him once because we had no choice and he reported me not the other guy and the day was just so bad that all reports lined up and i ended up getting banned
  3. Yeah , but i wasnt banned because i hitted him once i got banned because" i wanted to kill him " dude this make no sense i hitted him 1 once because he was constantly resisting and he would constantly break rules and had epilepsy as excuse which made him untouchable like we cant taze him we cant stun stick him we cant do anything to him if hes breaking the rule or "law" simply dont play flashy games if you have epilepsy or just disable flashing there are many console options and im sure he can find it !
  4. First things first i never said that i approve people who beat people with epilepsy with stun stick neither that i did it , i hit him 1 time because i had to , 2nd things second watch the video and you will see that i hitted him once
  5. + i bet half of you didn't saw a video and who saw it didn't look close enough
  6. Jesus , and you call me Kid okay so first things first , like i said if he had epilepsy he would be dead from things people did to him with stunstick and flashlight spam + he is not the best player that didn't broke any rules in fact he broke much more than you think , he just have luck i dont record my gameplay because i dont care about ppl doing stupid shit if they get caught its their problem If you havent seen the video ask for someone to give you and you will see that i did nothing to him and that he was resisting the other LT beated him what i did was just responding to situation and i didnt beated him with stun stick in sit i hitted him once because he was resisting and because i had to , as you can hear other people were laughing because they didnt know he had epilepsy and of who else would be reported than me because we had beef in past .
  7. No no no , i've seen people beat the shit out of him with stun stick because he said he have epilepsy and if things he was saying were real he would be dead
  8. There is no proof that that dude have epilepsy and if he have it server should just add thing above his name "THIS GUY HAVE EPILEPSY DONT STUNSTICK" or something when the proof is shown and the papers i would accept my ban
  9. I do understand the problem but like i said if that was really the problem that mf would be dead long time ago
  10. Nobody was nearly killed , dude was constantly breaking rules he was getting thru that little window in airlock and he was constantly provoking security , there was video proof of him resisting and i hit him only once , after that other guy hit him multiple times and he called admin on me , I understand your concerns about that loser but if he really had epilepsy he would die long time ago since i've seen ppl hit him much more ... Anyways it was long time ago and i think i waited long , there is always name change and there wont be any personal beefs They banned me because i was "hacking" and because the shits were happening that day I have intentions to RP but if D class keep breaking out and resisting what should i do other than stun stick them or kill them , admins almost respond to that and when they do its too late .
  11. And next time don't stack the reports just warn me and ban me for 2 weeks or longer don't stack them so you can perma ban me for your own satisfaction
  12. I forgot to mention that guy that kept reporting me sent the link and him and i had a big beef in past so its probably him not saying it is him but everything is possible thru link