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About Henk_69

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  1. Well i dont remeber killed a few people the days before but that was with a reason so maybe thats why? And what is LTAP. And do i have a chance of a unban or not?
  2. How did i get banned after my working time look at the screen shot sir
  3. I got banned from the server SCP-RP.My in name game was henk_69.My SteamID: 76561198272352876 My Steam profile URL: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198272352876/Admins' name that banned you: i do not know this information.Admin's steamID: i do not know this information.Why did you get banned?: i do not know this information.Evidence(Un-necessary): well i dont realy have evidence why i got banned.Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: i was not playing on that day that i got banned and no admin said anything to me the day before so i asume i did not do anything wrong.Anything else?: i got banned on june 30 and that day i was at work until 17:00.
  4. I got banned from the server SCP-RP.My in name game was henk_69.My SteamID: 76561198272352876 My Steam profile URL: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198272352876/Admins' name that banned you: i do not know this information.Admin's steamID: i do not know this information.Why did you get banned?: i do not know this information.Evidence(Un-necessary): well i dont realy have evidence why i got banned.Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: i was not playing on that day that i got banned and no admin said anything to me the day before so i asume i did not do anything wrong.Anything else?: i got banned on june 30 and that day i was at work until 17:00.
  5. I got banned on june 30 in the noon but at that moment i was it work. Its a perma ban without a reason could i maybe get a unban or some more info? I do not know wich admin banned me. My steam name is henk_69. ( https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198272352876 ) Thanks
  6. Henk_69


    I got banned on june 30 in the noon but at that moment i was it work. Its a perma ban without a reason could i maybe get a unban or some more info? I do not know who banned me. And i havent been online for a few days before that ban. My steam name is henk_69. ( https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198272352876 ) Thank
  7. Henk_69


    I got banned on june 30 in the noon but at that moment i was it work. Its a perma ban without a reason could i maybe get a unban or some more info? Thank