Fedora Vellerium

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About Fedora Vellerium

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  1. My In-Game name: Fedora STEAMID: (http://steamidfinder.com) STEAM_0:0:453453469 Steam Name: Fedora What is the reason for your ban: Using the Turret How long were you banned for: 2 days Name of the staff member who banned you: DuchDavin Why do I believe that I should be unbanned: I was told by an admin after the ban that EC's are able to hijack the ATC cannon and that would make my ban false, I also spoke to them that I used the ATC Turret and got banned cause the admin said "using the turret is a instant permanent ban". I was only told that improper use is not allowed however he said it's improper use cause i shot people going into hq with it. and those who were camping on the roof.
  2. It was 1 battalion that died, which we never saw. I only was witness to a battalion running away.
  3. My In-Game name: Fedora STEAMID: STEAM_0:0:453453469 Steam Name: Fedora What is the reason for your ban: LTAP + VDM How long were you banned for: 3 days Name of the staff member who banned you: Ziiderin Why do I believe that I should be unbanned: To start off, yesterday me and my friend had a crash in front of HQ in a scavenger ship with 2 big NASA rocket props welded on both sides. We were attempting to avoid as much killing as possible and it resulted in 1 battalion dying and that's all for the VDM in the case. The LTAP was me leaving 3-5 minutes after where I messaged a user named "LeMoN '' the following: "i gtg" at 23:07, then left at 23:08. I then woke up today and tried logging on seeing I was banned, which made me write this appeal since I do not find it fair about the LTAP, due to it forcing players to either log off if there's a family drama and get banned or stay on and expand the family drama even more. I also find the VDM unfair as we tried to avoid killing as little people as possible, and the battalion that got killed was not spotted on the ground after what I have seen. I understand it might be suspicious of me leaving that quick after a incident and not saying anything, but it's kinda unfair if you are forced to go offline as quickly as possible without chance to do anything more. Therefore I believe I should be unbanned due to the nature of this incident and how it’s unfair. Evidence:
  4. Is this a Junior Developer or Developer Application?: Developer Server(s) within WG you have played/currently play:(include your highest IG rank for each/any and estimated time played) SCP-RP CWRP Germany 1947 Roleplay Discord Username: WRDFedora Steam Name: Fedora Steam ID: (https://steamidfinder.com/ STEAM_0:0:453453469 Age when applying: 16 What country do you currently reside in? What is your time-zone: Norway, GMT+2 What is your coding knowledge?: (i.e do you know LUA, have been a dev previously on gmod, work in a job in real life that involves coding, self taught etc. Please be as detailed as you can be.) I have knowledge within Javascript, Typescript, LUA, HTML, CSS, MongoDB, SQL, Next.js, Nextui, Figma, Express.js, React, TailwindCSS and C++. I am an self-taught programmer and I am fullstack in many languages, I am experienced with using MongoDB for all my projects and Javascript as an main programming language. And for my web projects I use Next.js, Express.js, React and Javascript. Here are some things I have made which is an admin panel for a roblox game called ("Emergency Response: Liberty County"), I was paid for this project and they were statisfied with the product. Login Page Dashboard (UI made by me aswell as backend code. Project in image is created using Next.js, Tailwindcss and JavaScript.) I am available to make more types of these projects and backend systems for Werewolf Gaming. Why do you want to Dev for Werewolf Gaming?: I've been apart of Werewolf Gaming for over 2-4 years and I've looked into being a developer for Werewolf Gaming for a long time now since I have had such a long record here. Due to my skills being unused and becoming more dull over time I can use them here to further progress and sharpen my skills and learn new things. I haven't really gotten any idea of projects to make on my free time. Therefore I am applying to Werewolf Gaming's dev team so that I can receive some tasks which I can complete so I can sharpen my skills and gain more knowledge about coding in Garrys Mod. What server would you like to be Developer for?: (If applying for full developer type N/A) N/A If Accepted, Is there a developer you would prefer to learn from?:(Only relevant for Junior Dev apps, remove if applying for full developer) N/A Do you own a working microphone? When you communicate do you type or speak: Yes, I usually type when I am busy but when available I can talk.