Wolfgang Smidtz

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  1. Thanks
    Wolfgang Smidtz got a reaction from Fitzy in Unban appeal - Bierschenk   
    +1. Otto is the man.
  2. Thanks
    Wolfgang Smidtz got a reaction from Norbert Engelhoff in Felix Weigel's Unban request | RDM 2x in Spawn + LTAP, 3 day ban   
    Whilst i appreciate the Admin is relatively new and don't personally hold him accountable - I think it would be clear from Wiegel's previous warns that he is not the type of guy to commit such server rule breaks.
    Wiegel is a valid member of the RP community who plays daily and is senior NCO in multiple roles. He knows the rules.

    It would make zero sense for somone to commit such acts and then make zero communication with an Admin member when the admin would have taken them to the sit.
    Whilst the acts would of course justify a ban, I do think understanding the individual (which i understand not all staff members can know) + their warn history would say alot.
    Wiegel should not be banned and should have it removed.

  3. Sad
    Wolfgang Smidtz got a reaction from Josef Kraz in B AN S H E E - Abuse of Admin powers in RP Situation   
    Your In-Game name: Boris Schmecker
    Your Steam name: PainZ
    Reported staff members In-game name / Forum name / Steam name: Ewan Kraz or Ewan Bartmann / Bansheey / B A N S H E E
    Staff members STEAM ID:   STEAM_0:1:427293255
    Rank of reported staff member (If known): Moderator / Event Planner
    What did the reported staff member do to abuse their power / break server rules:

    They used a battering ram to enter a building during an RP situation. Used their admin privileges to do so against RP situation where it's not available. Lied to another staff member during the sit.

    I have played the Fepo roll for many hours on the server. I have played in almost all roles of Fepo. I know the role well and i know from my experience battering rams are not issued to Fepo. Fepo have Keys only to certain Reich buildings - They cannot enter everywhere and they certainly cannot enter private doors when locked.

    I had kidnapped a member of NSDAP (Matthieu Badeux) and 2 members of FePo had seen me right when i was entering my building (Red Brick House). I knew only 2 members of Fepo had spotted me. They started to shoot me yet i was near my building. I got inside and locked the doors.

    I was just stripping the comms of my NSDAP hostage when B A N S H E E used a battering ram to open the door. Immediately i knew this was FailRP. Immediately i called an Admin sit and made it clear what he had done was wrong. It's clear from the voice within the video he ALSO knows what he did was wrong. He made an excuse saying the server must of bugged and that he just spawned in with the battering ram however that is not true.  Admins have battering rams in every role. He went on to blame Auster for mucking up the Fepo job in recent server changes. I further knew this was wrong as i knew there had been no changes to Fepo or Logistiks as these are the 2 roles i play the most on the server - I had already reviewed the changes earlier that day in DC.

    Almost immediately to other members of NSDAP entered and started chatting absolute rubbish with no relevance to the situation. During the admin sit with staff member they were saying i had kidnapped them (When i hadn't - i have Video evidence showing who it was).

    I explained this to the admin on duty, (Weigland) however he stated Fepo would have it - It would make RP sense - However, again I know the role and that it's not true. He said I must just make a complaint on the forums.

    Following the initial sit i was told RP must continue and I was then arrested.

    I since switched roles to Fepo once again to check whether any Fepo class has a battering ram. They do not.

    I spoke with a senior staff member and asked whether Fepo have battering rams - He confirmed they don't - Only Admins in the role do. 

    This further confirmed my thoughts that it was an abuse of power.
    Evidence: I have Video evidence and photos taken and saved. I have 5 minutes video which includes their ingame voice chat. This shows the admin sit is called.

    I'm going to struggle to upload the Video, however I am on all DC channels and can provide live video feed or upload files this way. 

    Finally, i would like to point out that with significant game play on the sever i've never had the need to record something like this before - however I was so annoyed i had to create an account on the forums just to raise awareness to this.
    I'm available to be contacted on DC to discuss further. I feel the evidence is very clear.
    Note: Evidence is not a must but it is highly recommended to bring some as without it this complaint will most likely end in a your word versus the staff member's word situation. In this type of situation the staff members word will be taken over a players.

  4. Sad
    Wolfgang Smidtz got a reaction from Josef Kraz in B AN S H E E - Abuse of Admin powers in RP Situation   
    This video clearly shows at around 48 seconds in the battering ram is used.
    People even say " He's an EP, he spawns in with it" - It's clear they - also a Fepo member knows that Fepo don't and never have had battering rams
  5. Sad
    Wolfgang Smidtz got a reaction from Josef Kraz in B AN S H E E - Abuse of Admin powers in RP Situation   
    @Baron von Keller

    I've used this name in game for months. I've never been told FailRP name by anyone. Could you explain how it is FailRP? 

    I was with the same group of people who gun pointed the NSDAP members. We we all Mafia. Logs will show. I'm able to hand cuff and take him away. He had zero complaints about the way i handled the situation as it was valid.

    I suggest you watch more than 15 seconds of the video.