James Whisper

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James Whisper last won the day on September 2 2020

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  1. No? The max amount of time you can hold someone detained is 20 minutes.
  2. Also didint you start spamming the link after you were gonna get warned in a sit?
  3. Even though you can act professionally and I think you have a chance at CSB, your app is bad. I recommend you change Questions 1 and 2 especially. Neutral after app updated
  4. -1 Fifth question is kind of wrong and shows a lack of understanding since you wouldn't go to the site director to approve an A-1's punishment.
  5. OOC SECTION: Main Roleplay Name: James Whisper Forum Name: James Whisper SteamID: STEAM_0:1:225759688 Total warns: 2 FailRP & LTARP Playtime: In-Game Level: 50 Are you fluent with the rules of the server?: Yes IC SECTION: 1) What is the role of the Central Security Bureau in the Site? CSB's role is to act as law enforcement within the site, they are responsible for reinforcing the Foundation Legal Codex and for punishing those who break it. They can also assist when more armed assistance is required though they are not focused on this. 2) Define the Foundation Legal Codex The Foundation Legal Codex is the set of laws and rules that everyone, including other anomalous individuals, civilians and other GOI members among others, have to follow. Everyone not following these sets of laws will get punished accordingly and the punishment for each crime is listed on the Foundation Legal Codex. The punishments vary from a Warning to an Execution. 3) Explain how to utilise the Foundation Legal Codex as a CSB member. It can be optimally utilised by learning the laws from it, this takes time which means the Codex will have to be open on a second monitor or another tab while still learning from it. When someone has been detained you should hear out everything he has done and determine what laws he has broken and then punish the detained accordingly. 4) What is the Foundation Employee Rights Act? The Foundation Employee Rights Act is an Act to make clear what rights the employees have while working at the SCP Foundation. It was created due to The Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 being outdated. The Act specifies exactly what kind of rights everyone associated and employed with the SCP Foundation have, when those rights can be stripped and how those detained can have a fair trial and how one would ideally resign. 5) An Alpha-1 is suspected of behaviour massively in violation of the Codex. What do you do? I would inform the my higher ups and then try to contact any A-1 command and discuss with them how it should be processed, I would try my best to not cuff him on the spot to avoid any misunderstanding and breach of protocol, though if it would be a must to I would. 6) Explain, in your own words, an ideal investigation into a whitelisted job member if they have broken the Codex. The most ideal investigation would involve everyone cooperating and telling the truth, all possible evidence gathered, all witnesses being present and non-biased against the detained, the detained's higher ups being involved in in resolving the situation, good documentation of what really happened, all evidence being fairly reviewed and good reports from the Arresting Officer.
  6. It is clear aimbot, not to mention that any innocent player would simply immediately make an unban request not try to find another server to play on.
  7. ok can you name some of the communities you were staff in?
  8. -1 App is mediocre at best, a lot of spelling mistakes, short answers and the bare minimum answers (what do you know about mc&d section is really bad). I honestly do not trust you to be apart of MC&D also being bad at english is a very bad trait for a job that is suppose to negotiate with customers, RP and manipulate people.
  9. use the template or this will be denied
  10. "Do not go into fighting zones"
  11. It shouldn't considering your vast history of FailRP warns.
  12. Literally broke 1 of the 2 simple rules that cain has