Punished Fixer

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Posts posted by Punished Fixer

  1. On 2/24/2022 at 10:42 AM, westend said:

    Third one is the charm. Free ban. 

    Hello. I am here in court for the day to plead the deban of lettuce.

    For  all we know the other given was a free ban with little to based of evidence the company steam ID from the local ranch was not a sufficient amount to add up to the equation needed for the ban, in thuis this would make freeban? I  rest case

    Other chosen: No

  2. 45 minutes ago, Kabasch said:

    To be really fair, I don't know why I was initially banned from the Discord. Especially since I wasn't banned for anything, I just stopped playing within the Community as far as I know.


    I don't know what rumors you are talking about, at least I haven't heard any rumors aside from the simp thing. The only fuck-up I had was my time as O5-12 and what Oil posted up there (which I received a punishment for by getting kicked off the staff team). 

    I can't remember myself being mingy, I did my ECM, HOEA / Head Research RP and I wouldn't say I was necessarily bad at it. As I said, the only fuck-up I had RP-wise was as O5-12.

    I doubt that is going to be possible if I cant prove that I have changed over the course of 6-7 months.

    i calculated what discord your in based on the role colour. see you soon.

  3. 21 minutes ago, Serrt said:


    Don't feel bad about anything. I knew what I was doing, I was practically done with the server and was looking for a way out although childish I thought it would be funny to ping everyone. Shouldn't of dragged you into this but I saw an opportunity.

    I've Reflected on my ban a fair bit and there's nothing better to play so I thought id try coming back to the server as just a normal player.

    Don't want to spam this with unnecessary shit so if you want to talk about anything regarding this just shoot me a DM on discord. Puggo#2928

  4. Server you got banned from: WG SCP RP

    Your name in-game: Karem Hicocks among other names depending on what job i was playing

    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:156780497

    Admins' name that banned you: Norra (I think) Ordered by john fridge

    Admin's steamID: Irrelevant

    Why did you get banned?: @everyone on the main discord

    Evidence(Un-necessary): .

    Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Its been a while and I regret pinging everyone (once) and then just waiting to be banned. I managed several jobs in the community but this is irrelevant to the unban appeal.

    I lost contact with alot of people on the server when i was banned and hope to come back drama free.

    Anything else?: Sorry for anyone i wronged in the past