Gotthard Frey

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    Gotthard Frey got a reaction from Schnee in Gotthard Frey's Staff Application   
    RP Character name(s):
    Gotthard Frey
    Steam Name:
    Steam ID: (
    Age when applying:
    What country do you currently reside in? What is your time-zone:
    United States of America - Eastern Daylight Time (GMT-4)
    Can you speak and type English fluently:
    Yes I can both type and speak English fluently.
    Current total game-time on the server (type utime_enable 1 in the console if you can't see your game time):
    IC Rank(s) and OOC Donation Rank(s) on HL-RP:
    Civil Workers Union.
    Do you own a working microphone? When you communicate do you type or speak:
    Yes, I normally speak with my microphone though I can type as well at about ~100 WPM if needed.
    When did you join the server? Have you taken any breaks since:
    I first joined the Werwolf Gaming community about seven months ago and I have been playing it actively on a daily basis ever since, I have not taken any breaks or LoAs since joining.
    How often do you use our Teamspeak 3 server and our forums:
    I'm an occasional user of the forums and as for Teamspeak 3 I am practically always on it because of how easy it allows people to communicate out of character, basically if I am in-game I am on Teamspeak 3 as well and sometimes even when I am not.
    State all your previous OOC punishments (bans, kicks etc.) and a screenshot of your list of warns. (Go in game and type !warns.) Upload it to or as a steam community screenshot and include the link). Your game time must be visible as well in the screenshot. (Type utime_enable 1 if you can not see it on your screen):
    N/A - The server hasn't released yet.
    State the role of staff on the server: 
    Staff members are a necessary part of any Garry's Mod server in order to enforce proper roleplay by warning and punishing those who break server rules. However staff are also there to help the players more importantly, if a player is confused on how something works then staff should be there to help them learn not just to warn them only. Without staff, the server would be chaotic and so their role is to keep the roleplay orderly and not have players acting mingy.
    Give some context about setting of C24 within the Half Life universe (150 words+): 
    City 24 is supposed to be a showcase city, the location is set in Geneva, Europe. The main purpose of the city is to show off the prosperity of the combine and the improvements they have brought to humanity. The city serves entirely as propaganda to the inhabitants of it and while not being by any means the primary city of the combine, it is made to look the best in order to present the image of a secure and orderly environment. Households within the city are very bare bones and there is poverty among civilians but the combine do their best to hide this. In comparison to other cities of the combine, City 24 is a relative step-up from the others though as if it wasn't it would not be able to serve its purpose of propaganda. As the reason for City 24 is propaganda it also has many combine units stationed there but the strategic importance of the city is much less than some others for example City 17.
    Have you read the server rules and are you familiar with them?
    No because they haven't been released yet, however once they are I will read over it multiple times no doubt.
    Have you read the punishment list and are familiar with it?:
    Once the punishment list is released I will read over it.
    List of all previous server staff experience:
    None within Werwolf.
    List of all previous RP experience:
    Inspektor der NSDAP (Oberbereitschaftsleiter)
    Berliner Ordnungspolizei Leutnant
    Coruscant Guard Master Sergeant (Not on Werwolf SWRP)
    Have you added the Manager on Steam? If not, add him.
    Have you added the Vice-Manager on Steam? If not, add him.
    Have you added the Staff Manager on Steam? If not, add him.
    Do you understand that you can be demoted at anytime with a sufficient reason by a Hierarchy member?:
    Yes, I understand that with sufficient reason I can be demoted at any time by a member of the Hierarchy.
    Explain how you would handle these scenarios as a staff member:
    1 ) You are told by a player in admin chat that another player is randomly killing people:
    I would respond to the sit by teleporting to him and then bringing him to a separate area as to not actively disrupt RP. After that is done I would request any evidence they have regarding it. If they don't have any then I would try to refer them to any software like Geforce Experience or others with the instant replay function so that in the future they would be able to record in the future. However if they did then I would bring the man who is allegedly randomly killing people and explain to him the accusation, the evidence, etc. and ask him if he had any reason to kill the people that he did. Based off of his response and the video I would make the judgement regarding whether or not to warn him if it is justified.
    2 ) You are asked by a player about how to join a faction:
    I would respond to the player by giving him the information relevant on how to join it as well as a Discord invite link to the faction's server. It is important to help out new players in joining factions as the majority of dedicated members in a Garry's Mod server belong to a faction within the server and actively participate in their job in it.
    3 ) You catch somebody not performing RP and messing around:
    First of all I would approach them and tell them to knock it off and stop minging as it is a serious server. Along with the verbal warning I would present them with the link to the server rules to ensure it isn't just a case of them not having read them before. However if they choose to continue with the minge behavior and aren't roleplaying properly then I would give them a warning for FailRP.
    4 ) Somebody acquires a rank but is not willing to RP with it properly:
    Depending on if they are breaking the rules or not, I would probably just spectate them if I was in noclip for a bit in order to determine what. It is important to allow stuff to be acted out in character in some scenarios though if the person is doing something that isn't in violation of the server rules as to not take away from the roleplay. 
    5 ) A player is prop spamming:
    My first goal would be to make sure that they are not trying to construct something or testing with props. Depending on the severity of how many props they are putting in and whether or not it looks intentional I would give them a stern warning. However most likely if it is intentional prop spamming I would permanently ban them as prop spamming can easily lead to the server crashing.
    6 ) Somebody does not agree with the outcome of an RP situation therefore he decides to break RP and act OOC:
    I would give them a quick text warn them to not break character when in a roleplay situation because maybe they are just having a bad day or they are a new player. Depending on what they are saying I would give a FailRP warning for acting out of character in character as this is something unacceptable and fundamentally breaks the roleplay.
    7 ) You bring a player into a sit and punish him however he does not agree with your decision and keeps arguing:
    So regardless of the situation or warn I would explain to him what made me come to this conclusion and why I am judging the situation the way I am in case he has some information that would prove that he indeed was not guilty of violating the rules. However if he is just arguing because he is upset that he is getting punished and not trying to present anything that would change the fact that he did break the rule then I would link him the warning appeal section of the forums because his reasoning behind why he should not get warned doesn't sound logical to me.
    8 ) Someone commits FailRP but claims the specific instance of Fail RP you warned him for is not explained in detail within the rules: 
    Like in question 7) I would explain how I came to the conclusion that it is FailRP. FailRP is a general term and it would be very difficult to explain each and every instance of how someone could commit FailRP while in roleplay. As well I would try to explain to him to think about what he is doing before he does what he wants to in roleplay from the perspective of the character and how it would seem realistic in the server or practical from a gameplay point of view. If he doesn't change his mind after my explanation then I would give him the link to the Half Life warning appeal section of the forums and tell him that he can choose to try to get the warning appealed there.
    9 ) A player evidently breaks a rule however he makes a good point in his defense by abusing loopholes within the rules:
    First of all I would try to think objectively as to whether or not he is purposefully abusing loopholes in the rules or if he just thought that it would be permitted like that. I would seek advice from other staff on the server at that time on what should be done as well I would try to make suggestions to the hierarchy on how to fix the rules in order for loopholes like these to be prevented.
    Answer the following questions in detail:
    1 ) Explain the difference between Tier I rule-breaking and punishments and Tier II rule-breaking and punishments:
    Tier I warnings are for those who have not been warned for the rule violation they committed before as long as what they are doing is unintentional and their purpose is not to break the rules. Tier 2 are warnings for those that are either intentionally breaking the rules or have broke the rule before and are getting warned again for committing the same or similar action which would fall under that rule. 
    2 ) Explain the difference between IC and OOC. Also define Meta Gaming in relation with the two:
    In character is any action done in character, most areas of the game outside of spawn are to be considered in character. Out of character is areas like spawn or situations like staff sits in which you aren't acting out your actual character's actions as it would not make any sense to do so. While in character you are also in roleplay meaning you should be acting seriously and not doing anything FailRP or out of character. Now meta-gaming would be taking information you are aware of out of character and using it in character, in which your character would have no way of knowing it. For example there is a dupe for a building with a keypad on it and a week ago you played with the people who made it on civilian team and they tell you the code. Yet now you come back there as a civil protection unit to breach the building and you use the code to enter it, this would be meta-gaming.
    3 ) Explain the difference between Serious RP and Semi-Serious RP:
    Semi-Serious roleplay allows for people to act in a silly manner and sometimes allows players to act out of character while playing on the server in what would normally be considered an in-character or roleplay situation. Serious roleplay in a server is often when you are meant to act out your actions in a realistic way and stay in character at all times and violation of the rules are more likely to get you warned.
    4 ) Explain the difference between PassiveRP and CombatRP, explain your view on their importance in our gamemode:
    Passive roleplay is an important, yet underrated part of most Garry's Mod servers. Passive roleplay is committing actions in character for example a member of the Civil Worker Union's scientific research branch may examine a head crab by doing "/me disects the top of the headcrab". Combat roleplay is a lot more simple in that it is primarily when you engage in combat - you are in combat RP. In relevance to the Half Life RP server, passive roleplay is very important for a number of jobs mainly certain branches of the Civil Workers Union in order to have variety in the interactions between players and to have them be realistic, whereas CombatRP is important for divisions such as the OTA and CP in which they may have to fight resistance members.
    5 ) Define the term of Combat Baiting:
    Combat baiting can be defined as when someone is trying to enter combat with somebody so they decide to do something which would trigger the other character to engage with them in something which could be or lead to CombatRP. An example of CombatRP would be to pull out a gun in front of a group of CP in order for you and your friends to ambush them from behind a wall.
    6 ) Define Power Gaming / Power RP:
    Power Gaming or Power RP is when somebody is committing an action in which they have no control over out of character. For example a civilian walks up to another civilian and does "/me punches the civilian in the face then kicks him in the groin.". The reason behind this behind Power Gaming is that the civilian cannot actually hurt the player by doing this and so from a gameplay perspective it would just not make sense for this to be allowed.
    7 ) Define the term FailRP:
    FailRP is anything that is well, making the roleplay fail. If somebody is doing something that is not realistic in the context of the universe they are roleplaying then this is FailRP as they are not roleplaying properly.
    8 ) Define the term FearRP: 
    FearRP is a term used to describe when people are under a real threat of death, mainly by gunpoint. The basic of it is that you as a character should fear for your own life and therefore comply with any orders made by the person who could very well end it. 
    Explain in length and detail as to why you deserve staff more than other applicants. Explain what you will bring to the staff team and your strongest assets as a person/potential staff member (250+ words):
    I have spent a good while making this application, I have put a lot of work into answering each question with a good amount of details. People in general have issues objectively judging themselves but in my personal opinion I believe I can think logically as a staff member and view situations from other perspectives which is a valuable trait for those who want to be objective in their judgements during sits. I'm not stubborn either, if somebody has presented me with information proving me wrong then I am okay with saying, "Ahh yeah that does make sense, I understand what you mean I was incorrect then." However above all this I think one of my most strongest qualities as a user of the Werwolf Gaming community is my activity as well as my loyalty to the community. I've spent a grand total of about 1,000 hours playing in this community even though I only joined at the end of last year and my love for it has not faded.
    This won't change either, I plan on continuing to play to the same extent of activity as I have for the foreseeable future. I am normally on daily and often at least for two hours. In this amount of time on the server I have experienced a lot and I want to bring this experience to the table in helping new players as well as trying to keep the order of things in this new server which will present even more new experiences for a lot of veterans of the community.
  2. Like
    Gotthard Frey got a reaction from NewYork7 in Gotthard Frey's Staff Application   
    RP Character name(s):
    Gotthard Frey
    Steam Name:
    Steam ID: (
    Age when applying:
    What country do you currently reside in? What is your time-zone:
    United States of America - Eastern Daylight Time (GMT-4)
    Can you speak and type English fluently:
    Yes I can both type and speak English fluently.
    Current total game-time on the server (type utime_enable 1 in the console if you can't see your game time):
    IC Rank(s) and OOC Donation Rank(s) on HL-RP:
    Civil Workers Union.
    Do you own a working microphone? When you communicate do you type or speak:
    Yes, I normally speak with my microphone though I can type as well at about ~100 WPM if needed.
    When did you join the server? Have you taken any breaks since:
    I first joined the Werwolf Gaming community about seven months ago and I have been playing it actively on a daily basis ever since, I have not taken any breaks or LoAs since joining.
    How often do you use our Teamspeak 3 server and our forums:
    I'm an occasional user of the forums and as for Teamspeak 3 I am practically always on it because of how easy it allows people to communicate out of character, basically if I am in-game I am on Teamspeak 3 as well and sometimes even when I am not.
    State all your previous OOC punishments (bans, kicks etc.) and a screenshot of your list of warns. (Go in game and type !warns.) Upload it to or as a steam community screenshot and include the link). Your game time must be visible as well in the screenshot. (Type utime_enable 1 if you can not see it on your screen):
    N/A - The server hasn't released yet.
    State the role of staff on the server: 
    Staff members are a necessary part of any Garry's Mod server in order to enforce proper roleplay by warning and punishing those who break server rules. However staff are also there to help the players more importantly, if a player is confused on how something works then staff should be there to help them learn not just to warn them only. Without staff, the server would be chaotic and so their role is to keep the roleplay orderly and not have players acting mingy.
    Give some context about setting of C24 within the Half Life universe (150 words+): 
    City 24 is supposed to be a showcase city, the location is set in Geneva, Europe. The main purpose of the city is to show off the prosperity of the combine and the improvements they have brought to humanity. The city serves entirely as propaganda to the inhabitants of it and while not being by any means the primary city of the combine, it is made to look the best in order to present the image of a secure and orderly environment. Households within the city are very bare bones and there is poverty among civilians but the combine do their best to hide this. In comparison to other cities of the combine, City 24 is a relative step-up from the others though as if it wasn't it would not be able to serve its purpose of propaganda. As the reason for City 24 is propaganda it also has many combine units stationed there but the strategic importance of the city is much less than some others for example City 17.
    Have you read the server rules and are you familiar with them?
    No because they haven't been released yet, however once they are I will read over it multiple times no doubt.
    Have you read the punishment list and are familiar with it?:
    Once the punishment list is released I will read over it.
    List of all previous server staff experience:
    None within Werwolf.
    List of all previous RP experience:
    Inspektor der NSDAP (Oberbereitschaftsleiter)
    Berliner Ordnungspolizei Leutnant
    Coruscant Guard Master Sergeant (Not on Werwolf SWRP)
    Have you added the Manager on Steam? If not, add him.
    Have you added the Vice-Manager on Steam? If not, add him.
    Have you added the Staff Manager on Steam? If not, add him.
    Do you understand that you can be demoted at anytime with a sufficient reason by a Hierarchy member?:
    Yes, I understand that with sufficient reason I can be demoted at any time by a member of the Hierarchy.
    Explain how you would handle these scenarios as a staff member:
    1 ) You are told by a player in admin chat that another player is randomly killing people:
    I would respond to the sit by teleporting to him and then bringing him to a separate area as to not actively disrupt RP. After that is done I would request any evidence they have regarding it. If they don't have any then I would try to refer them to any software like Geforce Experience or others with the instant replay function so that in the future they would be able to record in the future. However if they did then I would bring the man who is allegedly randomly killing people and explain to him the accusation, the evidence, etc. and ask him if he had any reason to kill the people that he did. Based off of his response and the video I would make the judgement regarding whether or not to warn him if it is justified.
    2 ) You are asked by a player about how to join a faction:
    I would respond to the player by giving him the information relevant on how to join it as well as a Discord invite link to the faction's server. It is important to help out new players in joining factions as the majority of dedicated members in a Garry's Mod server belong to a faction within the server and actively participate in their job in it.
    3 ) You catch somebody not performing RP and messing around:
    First of all I would approach them and tell them to knock it off and stop minging as it is a serious server. Along with the verbal warning I would present them with the link to the server rules to ensure it isn't just a case of them not having read them before. However if they choose to continue with the minge behavior and aren't roleplaying properly then I would give them a warning for FailRP.
    4 ) Somebody acquires a rank but is not willing to RP with it properly:
    Depending on if they are breaking the rules or not, I would probably just spectate them if I was in noclip for a bit in order to determine what. It is important to allow stuff to be acted out in character in some scenarios though if the person is doing something that isn't in violation of the server rules as to not take away from the roleplay. 
    5 ) A player is prop spamming:
    My first goal would be to make sure that they are not trying to construct something or testing with props. Depending on the severity of how many props they are putting in and whether or not it looks intentional I would give them a stern warning. However most likely if it is intentional prop spamming I would permanently ban them as prop spamming can easily lead to the server crashing.
    6 ) Somebody does not agree with the outcome of an RP situation therefore he decides to break RP and act OOC:
    I would give them a quick text warn them to not break character when in a roleplay situation because maybe they are just having a bad day or they are a new player. Depending on what they are saying I would give a FailRP warning for acting out of character in character as this is something unacceptable and fundamentally breaks the roleplay.
    7 ) You bring a player into a sit and punish him however he does not agree with your decision and keeps arguing:
    So regardless of the situation or warn I would explain to him what made me come to this conclusion and why I am judging the situation the way I am in case he has some information that would prove that he indeed was not guilty of violating the rules. However if he is just arguing because he is upset that he is getting punished and not trying to present anything that would change the fact that he did break the rule then I would link him the warning appeal section of the forums because his reasoning behind why he should not get warned doesn't sound logical to me.
    8 ) Someone commits FailRP but claims the specific instance of Fail RP you warned him for is not explained in detail within the rules: 
    Like in question 7) I would explain how I came to the conclusion that it is FailRP. FailRP is a general term and it would be very difficult to explain each and every instance of how someone could commit FailRP while in roleplay. As well I would try to explain to him to think about what he is doing before he does what he wants to in roleplay from the perspective of the character and how it would seem realistic in the server or practical from a gameplay point of view. If he doesn't change his mind after my explanation then I would give him the link to the Half Life warning appeal section of the forums and tell him that he can choose to try to get the warning appealed there.
    9 ) A player evidently breaks a rule however he makes a good point in his defense by abusing loopholes within the rules:
    First of all I would try to think objectively as to whether or not he is purposefully abusing loopholes in the rules or if he just thought that it would be permitted like that. I would seek advice from other staff on the server at that time on what should be done as well I would try to make suggestions to the hierarchy on how to fix the rules in order for loopholes like these to be prevented.
    Answer the following questions in detail:
    1 ) Explain the difference between Tier I rule-breaking and punishments and Tier II rule-breaking and punishments:
    Tier I warnings are for those who have not been warned for the rule violation they committed before as long as what they are doing is unintentional and their purpose is not to break the rules. Tier 2 are warnings for those that are either intentionally breaking the rules or have broke the rule before and are getting warned again for committing the same or similar action which would fall under that rule. 
    2 ) Explain the difference between IC and OOC. Also define Meta Gaming in relation with the two:
    In character is any action done in character, most areas of the game outside of spawn are to be considered in character. Out of character is areas like spawn or situations like staff sits in which you aren't acting out your actual character's actions as it would not make any sense to do so. While in character you are also in roleplay meaning you should be acting seriously and not doing anything FailRP or out of character. Now meta-gaming would be taking information you are aware of out of character and using it in character, in which your character would have no way of knowing it. For example there is a dupe for a building with a keypad on it and a week ago you played with the people who made it on civilian team and they tell you the code. Yet now you come back there as a civil protection unit to breach the building and you use the code to enter it, this would be meta-gaming.
    3 ) Explain the difference between Serious RP and Semi-Serious RP:
    Semi-Serious roleplay allows for people to act in a silly manner and sometimes allows players to act out of character while playing on the server in what would normally be considered an in-character or roleplay situation. Serious roleplay in a server is often when you are meant to act out your actions in a realistic way and stay in character at all times and violation of the rules are more likely to get you warned.
    4 ) Explain the difference between PassiveRP and CombatRP, explain your view on their importance in our gamemode:
    Passive roleplay is an important, yet underrated part of most Garry's Mod servers. Passive roleplay is committing actions in character for example a member of the Civil Worker Union's scientific research branch may examine a head crab by doing "/me disects the top of the headcrab". Combat roleplay is a lot more simple in that it is primarily when you engage in combat - you are in combat RP. In relevance to the Half Life RP server, passive roleplay is very important for a number of jobs mainly certain branches of the Civil Workers Union in order to have variety in the interactions between players and to have them be realistic, whereas CombatRP is important for divisions such as the OTA and CP in which they may have to fight resistance members.
    5 ) Define the term of Combat Baiting:
    Combat baiting can be defined as when someone is trying to enter combat with somebody so they decide to do something which would trigger the other character to engage with them in something which could be or lead to CombatRP. An example of CombatRP would be to pull out a gun in front of a group of CP in order for you and your friends to ambush them from behind a wall.
    6 ) Define Power Gaming / Power RP:
    Power Gaming or Power RP is when somebody is committing an action in which they have no control over out of character. For example a civilian walks up to another civilian and does "/me punches the civilian in the face then kicks him in the groin.". The reason behind this behind Power Gaming is that the civilian cannot actually hurt the player by doing this and so from a gameplay perspective it would just not make sense for this to be allowed.
    7 ) Define the term FailRP:
    FailRP is anything that is well, making the roleplay fail. If somebody is doing something that is not realistic in the context of the universe they are roleplaying then this is FailRP as they are not roleplaying properly.
    8 ) Define the term FearRP: 
    FearRP is a term used to describe when people are under a real threat of death, mainly by gunpoint. The basic of it is that you as a character should fear for your own life and therefore comply with any orders made by the person who could very well end it. 
    Explain in length and detail as to why you deserve staff more than other applicants. Explain what you will bring to the staff team and your strongest assets as a person/potential staff member (250+ words):
    I have spent a good while making this application, I have put a lot of work into answering each question with a good amount of details. People in general have issues objectively judging themselves but in my personal opinion I believe I can think logically as a staff member and view situations from other perspectives which is a valuable trait for those who want to be objective in their judgements during sits. I'm not stubborn either, if somebody has presented me with information proving me wrong then I am okay with saying, "Ahh yeah that does make sense, I understand what you mean I was incorrect then." However above all this I think one of my most strongest qualities as a user of the Werwolf Gaming community is my activity as well as my loyalty to the community. I've spent a grand total of about 1,000 hours playing in this community even though I only joined at the end of last year and my love for it has not faded.
    This won't change either, I plan on continuing to play to the same extent of activity as I have for the foreseeable future. I am normally on daily and often at least for two hours. In this amount of time on the server I have experienced a lot and I want to bring this experience to the table in helping new players as well as trying to keep the order of things in this new server which will present even more new experiences for a lot of veterans of the community.
  3. Like
    Gotthard Frey got a reaction from NewYork7 in Jonas Lecinstine Staff Application   
    Poorly made application, it doesn't seem like you put a lot of effort into this post.
  4. Like
    Gotthard Frey got a reaction from Mikkel Sørensen in Jonas Lecinstine Staff Application   
    Poorly made application, it doesn't seem like you put a lot of effort into this post.
  5. Like
    Gotthard Frey got a reaction from Schnee in Jonas Lecinstine Staff Application   
    Poorly made application, it doesn't seem like you put a lot of effort into this post.
  6. Confused
    Gotthard Frey reacted to Auster Schumacher in Gotthard Frey Unwarn Request | ARDM in Spawn   
    It is your fault, not the other players. If you weren't shooting, you couldn't have hit them. Tier I's are for accidental, unintentional occurrences, this is simply one of those. 
  7. Like
    Gotthard Frey reacted to Dr Julian Hettinger in Julian Hettinger Staff Application   
    RP Character name/s:
    Dr Julian Hettinger
        Steam Name:
    Barry B Benson
        Steam ID (
        Age when applying:
        What country do you currently reside in? What is your time-zone?:
    I currently live in the UK and my time zone is BST - (GMT+1)
        Can you speak and type English fluently?:
    I can speak and type English fluently. However, when I try to type quickly, that is when my English gets a little messy but I go back over it and correct any errors.
        Current total game-time on the server (type utime_enable 1 in the console if you can't see your game time):
    8w 3d 16h
        IC Rank(s) & OOC Donation Rank(s) on WW2-RP:
    IC Ranks - Kriminalinspektor der Geheime Staatspolizei - SS-Obersturmführer 
    OOC - Platinum VIP, PAC3, 3D Stream Radio
        Do you own a working microphone? When you communicate do you type or speak?:
    I own a working microphone and I tend to type, however when someone else is speaking I type so that the person can understand me, I also type if the person is having trouble understanding me. 
        When did you join the server? Have you taken any breaks since?:
    I joined the server halfway through June 2019 and have taken some breaks. I use to take breaks whenever I had to go away for a weekend and when I needed a break from the server.
        How often do you use our Teamspeak 3 server and our forums?:
    I use Teamspeak3 all the time, I am always on Teamspeak besides when I am not on the server, I have the forums open all the time, however during the past week, I have not been using the Forums as much as I did, however, I will be using the forums almost every day.
        List of all previous RP server staff experience:
    I was previously a moderator on a DarkRP server but then I had to resign and leave the server due to my taking my GCSEs and then once I completed the GCSEs I then joined the Werwolf Community. 
        Staff that would recommend you? (They will be asked to verify):
    The staff that would recommend me are: 
    Administrator - Michael Reitter
    Senior Moderator - Paul Schonberger

        State your previous OOC punishments (bans, kicks, etc.) Also, include a screenshot of your list of warns. (Go in-game and type !warns. Upload it to or as a steam community screenshot and include the link. Your game time must be visible as well in the screenshot. Type utime_enable 1 if you can not see it on your screen
        State the role of staff on the server:
    The role of staff on the server is to help new members of the community if they have any questions or if someone reported another person for breaking server rules. Another thing that a staff member does is if someone got their car stuck on the train tracks or accidentally crashed it into the river, then staff would help them get the car unstuck or out of the river.
        Give some historical context about the time the server is set in (75 words+):
    The server is set in 1943 and is in the capital of Germany, Berlin. 
    July 10th, 1943, Allied invasion of Sicily, the Allies began their invasion of access-control Europe with landings on the island of Sicily. Encountering little resistance from the demoralized Sicilian troops. Within three days 150,00 Allied troops were on the island of Sicily.
    September 3rd, 1943 armistice of Casa bell, the Armistice of the Case bell was an armistice seinten on September 3rd. This armistice was then seen to the public on September 8th, 1943. The armistice stipulated the surrender of Italy to the Allies.
    The Soviets have succeeded in pushing back the Germans from Stalingrad and have successfully taken control of Stalingrad. The Third Reich has also being pushed back in Africa demoralizing the men.
    There are some Resistance groups in Germany who are trying to slow down the Third Reich, they are attempting to do this by destroying essential things, such as factories that are producing stuff for the Third Reich.
        Have you read the server rules and are familiar with them?
    I have read the server rules and I am familiar with them.
        Have you read the punishment list ( ) and are familiar with it?
        I have read the punishment list and I am familiar with them.
    Former Staff Questions (Leave these blank if you have not been staff on our server before):
        1) For how long were you a staff member on WW2-NRP/ORP?
        2) What rank did you reach before leaving the staff team?
        3) Were you demoted or did you resign? Why?
        4) In hindsight, what would you have done differently as a staff member?
        5) How have you improved since you left the staff team?
    Explain how you would handle these scenarios as a staff member:
        1) You are told by a player in admin chat that another player is randomly killing people:
    I would first claim this sit and then I would tp to the guy and physgun him to a roof so it doesn’t disturb any RP situations that were happening in the area and then I would ask him who was the person who was RDMing. Once the person has given me a name, I would then check the logs and once I have seen that the person did randomly kill someone, I would then bring him to the roof and ask him why he killed this man. If he gave me a valid reason, I would then explain that to the person that the reason was valid and then I would return both people so they can continue RP situations. However, if the person did not have a valid reason, I would first check his warns and if he has an active Tier I warning for RDM, I would then issue a Tier 2 warning and a 1-day ban. 
        2) You are asked by a player about how to become a Third Reich official:
    I would bring the player to a roof so we are in private, once we are on a roof I would then explain to him the 3 different branches. SS, Wehrmacht, and the NSDAP. I would explain that the NSDAP is a secondary job and then you can be a member of the Wehrmacht and the SS and can still have a whitelist for NSDAP. I would also explain to him that some jobs will require VIP or Platinum VIP and explain that he can get that on the store. I would explain to him what each regiment does and what they do.
    I would also explain to him that there are some custom jobs that he could be apart of but some of these may require VIP or Platinum VIP. I would then explain to him how he could join these custom groups. After this I would also explain to him about the “other jobs” section and that you do not require a whitelist for these jobs however you will need an OOC rank such as Platinum VIP and VIP. 
        3) You catch somebody not performing RP and that is messing around:
    If I catch someone not performing RP, I would first physgun him so he cannot move and I then I would give him a verbal warning, if the person continues to not perform RP I would then issue a Tier 1 warning for NITRP and a 1/2 week ban. However, if they have an active warning, I would then issue a Tier II warn for NITRP and a 2w to a permanent ban.
        4) Somebody acquires a rank but is not willing to RP with it properly:
    I would first bring that guy to a roof and explain to him how he is not RPing with his rank properly and how he could change and RP properly with his IC rank. If this person then continues, I would go talk to their COs and explain to them how he was not RPing correctly and then I would let their COs deal with them. But if there is no COs online, I would message a CO on discord and then get permission to remove the whitelist and then /demote him. 
        5) A player is prop spamming:
        I would first kick the person to stop him from spawning any more props and remove all disconnected players props so this removes all the props he spawned. I would then warn him for “Prop Spam” then follow up that warn with a permanent ban.
    Answer the following questions in detail:
        1) Explain the difference between Tier I rule-breaking and punishments and Tier II rule-breaking and punishments:
    A Tier I rule-breaking is if the person is a new player to the community and hasn’t read the rules or if the rule was broken accidentally. If the person was new and hasn’t read the rules, I would tell him to read the rules and kick him for the reason “read the rules [link]”
    A Tier II rule-breaking is if the rule was broken intentionally and the person knows the server rules but still went and killed someone randomly and knew that he broke a rule or if the person has been constantly rule-breaking and has had multiple warns but still continues to break server rules. 
        2) Explain the difference between IC and OOC. Also, define Meta Gaming:
    IC is commonly known as In Character and this is when you get information that you have witnessed or someone else has witnessed and has given that information to you. The information provided from you witnessing a crime or someone reporting the crime to you can be told to someone else such as the Gestapo and he can use that information to catch this criminal.
    OOC is commonly known as Out of Character is where you get information from stuff that you shouldn’t see IC. Examples of these are things such as the tab menu allowing you to see people’s names and job titles or using the names above people’s heads and being able to identify their names. 
    Meta Gaming is when someone uses OOC information such as the tab menu and seeing people’s names and job titles and then using that IC. An example of this is when an Ordnungspolizei member uses the tab menu and sees the name of a Mafia Boss and then sees his job title and then once the Mafia Boss arrives at the PD, the OrPo member then sees his name above his head and then arrests him for the reason “Mafia”
        3) Explain the difference between Serious RP and Semi-Serious RP:
    Serious RP is most of the time IC and is strictly professional at all times during Serious RP situations.
    Semi-Serious RP has IC situations and OOC talks. This is not professional at all times unlike Serious RP and this is the time when people can joke around.
        4) Define PassiveRP and explain it's role and importance in a serious RP gamemode:
    Passive RP is when you RP everyday actions, you do this with the /me [action] 
    Passive RP is very important when it comes to Serious RP as this forms Serious RP. If someone doesn’t use Passive RP during a Serious RP, the other person involved in this RP situation wouldn’t know what is happening and wouldn’t react properly making the situation very awkward as there is no RP there. Without Passive RP, Serious RP wouldn’t be in the situation in the first place.
    An example of this is when an Ordnungspolizei Sanitater is healing another member of the Reich and has to RP everyday actions such as pouring alcohol on the bandage and then places that on top of the wound and applies pressure making the wound sterilized and having a smaller percentage of infection.
    5) Define the term of Combat Baiting:
    Combat Baiting is when someone forces an RP situation. A common example of this is when someone walks to the PD and then does a homosexual action forcing the Ordnungspolizei to chase him and detain him. 
    Another example of someone forcing an RP situation is if someone went to the Plaza and placed a prop which looked like a bomb and then reports that to the Ordnungspolizei, this would then make a Senior NCO or a CO tell OrPo to respond and then they would have to guard the bomb, making sure no one goes near it. If they build a checkpoint the criminal organizations on the server could checkpoint raid.
        Have you added the Manager [Extreme] on Steam? If not, add him:
    Have you added the Vice-Manager [Jack/Malte] on Steam? If not, add him:
    Have you added the Staff Manager [Schumacher] on Steam? If not, add him:
    Explain in length and detail as to why you deserve staff more than other applicants. Explain what you will bring to the staff team & your strongest points as a person/potential staff member (200+ words):
     My first point is that I have experience with being a staff member however this is not as valid as the rest as this was a long time ago and I haven’t had any other experience besides when I was a staff member on the date January 13th, 2019. I was then staff for 5 months but then had to resign. So it has been a year since I was last staff, I do still remember some of the ULX commands I used and I know that it is the same ULX commands for the NRP server.
    My second point is that I am calm and I am always professional. This would help me in situations when a person is angry as he got randomly killed and lost a 1,000,000RM gun. I would then attempt to calm the person down and deal with the sit professionally. If the person doesn’t calm down and continues to talk over me when I am trying to explain to the other person, I would then tell him to be quiet and I would then explain if he still ignores me. I would then proceed to tell him if he continues ignoring me, I would then have to issue him a warning for “Ignoring Staff” 
    My third point is that I can be on the server at late times, so if people are having problems at 2 AM (my timezone) I would be able to go on the server or I would already be on the server and I would be able to deal with the rule-breakers or help any new members that just joined the community. 
    My fourth point is that I am patient and open. Meaning that if the staff sit was taking some time due to the person getting the evidence ready, I will patiently wait and then if the other person in the sit was being impatient, I would then explain to him that he has to be patient and this sit will be over shortly. I am open so if people have questions, I would be perfectly happy to answer them and speak to the new members of the community and help them to the best of my ability. 
    Do you understand that you can be demoted at any time with a sufficient reason by a Hierarchy member?:
        I understand that I could be demoted at any time. 
        - You must be 15 years of age or older.
        - You must be able to speak and type English fluently and correctly.
        - You must have at least four (4) days of game time.
        - You must have 10 or fewer warns.
        - You must not be banned when you apply.
        - You must be able to speak or type quickly and correctly.
        - You must not advertise your application in any way.
        - You must not copy anything from other applications.
        - You may not edit your application without permission from a Hierarchy member.
        - You may not copy-paste parts from a previous application that you have filed unless given permission.
        - Only reply to your application if you need to specify something. Unnecessarily spamming/bumping your application will get it denied. Do not engage in grovelling under your application (posting thank you for reading my application every time someone posts etc.)

  8. Like
    Gotthard Frey reacted to NewYork7 in NKVD Custom Group Application   
    Custom Group Name: NKVD
    History: The NKVD or the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs was a intelligence agency of the Soviet Union. Formed in July 1934 and dissolved in March of 1946. The NKVD had many jobs both domestic and external activities. Domestic activities that they did were being the secret police of the Soviet Union and political repression of the citizens. One of the most famous acts by the NKVD is the Great Purge. This was when the NKVD by orders of Stalin to execute politically dangerous opponents, they were classified as Trotskyists. The NKVD was also in charge of the Gulags. The Great Purge resulted in around 1.2 million deaths. For external affairs the NKVD was sabotaging and gathering information on its enemy's and helping other communists from many different countries. One of the most famous external affairs of the NKVD was when after Kiev had fallen the NKVD set fire to the Nazi HQ, this eventually did so that most of the city center burned down. The NKVD would also trick anti-stalinists to come back to the Soviet Union just to be arrested or to assasinate them. One example of this is the assasination of Leon Trotsky, Trotsky was forced to leave the Soviet Union after Stalin took the power and in 1940 he was residing in Mexico City. The NKVD hired an assassin to assassinate him. Leon Trotsky was hit by a Icepick in the back of his head fatally hurting him, he died one day later. The NKVD used to Hire a wide arrangement of People for their espionage team from people from Unemployed people. The NKVD also assisted in "Wet business" where enemies of the USSR started to disappear. In 1940 the NKVD had a meeting with the Gestapo for a week in the so called GESTAPO-NKVD Conferences, after the German declared war on the Soviet Union the NKVD, started to sabotage the Germans, like setting fires in Nazi Headquarters, the NKVD started to recruit UK officials in 1940 and they started to Collect Nuclear Weapon details.
    The Government/Group: Group
    Political Alignment: Stalinism
    Ideology: Communism
    Public Documents:
    Sectors/Positions in the In RP Group:
    Custom Jobs(s):
    Job One: 
    Slots: 2
    Name: Mladshiy Leytenant
    Type: CO
    Equipment: PPSH, Shackles, Tokarev 30, Camera
    Abilities: Take Comms, Fake ID
    Model: Civilian, NKVD
    Job Two:
    Slots: 1
    Name: Starshina
    Type: SNCO
    Equipment: Elastic Restraints, Itacha 37, Tokarev 30, Camera
    Abilities: Take Comms, Fake ID
    Model: Civilian, NKVD
    Job Three: 
    Slots: 2
    Name: Krasnoarmeets 
    Type: NCO
    Equipment: Elastic Restraints, SVT 40, Tokarev 30, Camera
    Model: Civilian, NKVD
    Job Four:
    Slots: 3 
    Name: Ryavodoi
    Type: EM
    Equipment: Mosin Nagant and Tokarev 30
    Model: Civilian, NKVD

  9. Like
    Gotthard Frey got a reaction from Feymous in Feymous`s Staff application   
    +1 He is a really active member of the community and is very mature in his roleplay, would definitely make for a good staff member.