Some Clown

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About Some Clown

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  1. In Game Name: Ramo Javsky Rank: User Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:225596328 Playtime [Minimum 7 days]: 2 weeks, 4 hours, 7 minutes. Total warns [Maximum 15 warns, exceptions can be made]: 0 Why do you wish to join the Sarkic Cults?: Most of my time with SCPRP, I've always focused on GOIs. I have been noted for playing a lot of COTBG RP in the past, and want to try something new. I know most lore about the Sarkics, and have done my research to understand. I enjoy the idea of being part of an anomalous religious group focused on primal instincts and of course, the flesh. What does Mors Deus consist of?: A division of the Sarkic cults focused on power, and manipulation. They seek to have control over everything, going as far as to use mind control and torture tactics to get what they want. Most members are former government agents, Info brokers, and Adytum wake members. What is our SCP-001?: SCP-001 is a giant gray / blue portal roughly 30000M tall and 40000M wide created by the Sarkic Division Mors Deus, its theorized that it's purpose is to transport God's to our dimension to be able to preform Theophagy. It has a high rate of failure, with what is presumed to be a god rampaging through our reality. The only known counter to this is to remove the Sarkic's access to the portal. The mayor plans to open up the surface to the foundation , letting them roam freely and cause us problems for us, how can you either stop that from happening, or make the mayor cause problems for the foundation?: Capture the mayor, or confront him, try to take him to a remote location, torture and bend his will to resist, until he follows orders. Then, I would consult my higher ups for orders, if none are available, I'd force him to close off any treaty with the foundation, and try to force him to pin blame on the COTBG, or send SWAT into the foundation to cause chaos. What RP Groups are you/have you been in?[to the best of your ability]: I have not been in any GOIs on this server. What can you bring to the sarkic cults?: I can offer serious RP, authority, and loyalty. I hope to better the group and help them grow, and perhaps even be the dominating GOI. I love the idea of them, and want to try it myself. I have a lot of good feelings about this GOI, and hope to be a part of it myself. Who is the Grand Karcist and what did he do?: The Grand Karcist, also known as the Sorcerer-King of Adytum, is the founder and messiah of Sarkicism. His goal is to bring forth a new age of FLESH. Blessed by the primordial being Yaldabaoth, Ion was given power over flesh and disease, which he used to garner a rapidly growing following and eventually overthrow the Daeva that had enslaved his people. He and his followers created their own kingdom, with the city of Adytum as its capital. Do you understand that Sarkics is primarily a passive RP group?: Yes Breaking the Sarkic rules will result in punishment, do you understand?: Yes