Benjamin Wolff

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    Benjamin Wolff got a reaction from Erick Wolff in Unban Request   
    + 1 Mans been banned for time.
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    Benjamin Wolff reacted to Daniel Wolff in Unban Request   
    +1 Alright guy 
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    Benjamin Wolff reacted to Erick Wolff in Unban Request   
    Your In-game name:  wilhelm von wuln                                                                                                                                  
    Your Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:117888077
    Reason of the ban: countering a superior force 
    Date you were banned on: Around January 7th
    Duration of ban: Permanent  
    Admin who banned you: Grau 
    Explain the situation of your ban from your point of view in detail: I was countering a force of 2 1.SS members  that I saw, they where arresting a person so I countered them I only saw 2 1.SS members when I countered I started shooting, after I countered and as I started to shoot a group of 1.SS approached and it looked like I countered a superior force. But when I countered and started shooting there was only 2 1.SS members that I could see, 1.SS only came right after my first shot. 
    Do you think your ban was justified: No I just believe it was a misunderstanding.
    Why should you be unbanned: I think I should be unbanned because I couldn't see the 1.SS and had no idea that they were there. 
    Any kind of evidence: No I saw a video of it an I could only see the car and 2 1.SS members arresting a criminal/person and I started shooting and it was to late.
    Additional information: I want to just play with my friends its been so long and I want to try to reach something on this server and i miss the old times of course I will be more careful though 
    There was also a video on my last unban appeal it shows the 1.SS running out of slums when I was shooting. 
    Note: While evidence is not a must it will make your unban request more likely to get accepted.
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    Benjamin Wolff reacted to Auster Schumacher in Unban Request   
    As your 3 minute timer for NLR was over, so permitting you to return to the scene of your death, which in this case was not even required as the car had been moved, in this instance I do not see this as a case of FailRP NLR. You did not return to the scene of your death, you did not engage in combat with your original combaters, and you found your car, which you recognised as your own, in a different location in your new life. In this regard, I rule this as a valid RP situation, and as such shall consequently remove warn and ban.
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    Benjamin Wolff reacted to Auster Schumacher in Barry Stantons unban request   
    Reduced to NITRP [Tier I] with a 2 Week Ban.
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    Benjamin Wolff reacted to JTA in Ringvereine Von Berlin   
    Found it changing now
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    Benjamin Wolff got a reaction from JTA in Ringvereine Von Berlin   
    Love the idea of them actually working through ranks to infiltrate the Reich. That’s an awesome concept. Really like the idea, if the historical context checks out I’m a +1.
    Good luck !!
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    Benjamin Wolff reacted to Mattheus Hentzenauer in Staff report on JTA/Lewic   
    What are we even talking about???? Staff Abuse? Like to be honest, It was a verbal warning. I understand the situation. But I feel this isn't worthy a staff abuse report since he didn't abuse his powers. He only asked you to not swear. And you disagreed, That's fine but this really is a waste of mine and both players time.
    Meh +/- Neutral (Since I think it's useless)
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    Benjamin Wolff reacted to JTA in Staff report on JTA/Lewic   
    Dear person making the staff abuse thread:
    I was first there doing another sit -it was someone releasing themselves while in the presence of others- and I was talking with this person on what to do, at that point you were dragged in and I did hear the phrase in question, however if I go to a picture of an decibel range you were at least from the sound I was hearing -don't have a recording but just given context- you were just passing about the Yellow Section of the range and was making the person I was with asking me to repeat myself.
    After I had finished that sit I had told you "Reinhardt, can you please refrain from swearing in such a manner otherwise I'd may have to warn you for DTP -disrespect to player-, of course this was a VERBAL warning and therefore did not include any form of official punishment.
    As you can see I had referred to you to the rules and which are as follows- Do not disrespect or start arguments with other players or staff on an OOC basis. This includes OOC chat, sits, and private messages. Flaming, as so to continually rant or cause flame in OOC is considered a punishment. If you have been told to be quiet by an admin and you fail to do so and flame, you will be punished. 
    Of course you are stating it was IC and therefore you were not technically breaking this particular rule however I can state you were rather loud and that you were being hateful and hurtful and not really providing anything positive with the Roleplay at the time -just shouting over everyone else just because- and I feel that is when it goes into an OOC manner and should follow this rule, therefore why I gave you the verbal warning.
    You then asked for a sit for me to explain it, in which I did and then you asked for someone else to come over, and I said "You can do so but I feel this matter is closed definitely as I didn't give you an official warning, thank you anyway", and I went on my way continuing on with other sits.
    I do not believe I abused in anyway, but I do understand why you made this request with the view that you have.
    Kind regards
    Ortsgruppenleiter and Senior Moderator
    Dr Lewic Fischerman/JTA
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    Benjamin Wolff reacted to PapaAbdul in Hanz Panzershmitt's Unban Request   
    Your In-game name: Hanz Panzershmitt (now changed to Pazershmitt)
    Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:108459997
    Reason of the ban: FailRP Name
    Date you were banned on: 17/07/2020
    Duration of ban: 1 Day
    Admin who banned you (In-game name / Steam name/ Steam ID): Wolf Varem
    Explain the situation of your ban from your point of view in detail: I was finishing up training an NSDAP Anwarter and was writing some documents. Suddenly, I am brought to the "failRP Name room" or whatever, and was told by Wolf Varem that my name needs to be changed because it has "Panzer" in it. I argued it at first but was told to "change it or get banned". I gave up and changed it to "Hanz Pansershmitt" and he said that was still failrp without elaborating. I changed it yet again to "Pazershmitt" (I kept it similar so the NSDAP could still recognize me) and he immediately gave me a Tier 2 warning and banned me for a day, for a failRP name. 
    Do you think your ban was justified: No
    Why should you be unbanned: I do not see how my name is failRP after changing it, also, I complied with the staff, but still got banned. Also, I fail to see how the ban is Tier 2 in any shape or form, as I'm ultimately confused as to why I was banned for this in the first place. I really enjoy this server and have never recieved a single warn until now.
    Any kind of evidence: I tried to screenshot the chat, but I was banned really quickly.
    Additional information: I would like to claim that the staff member in this case was extremely ignorant, as he did not hear me out whatsoever when I claimed that my new name was not failRP and banned me anyways.